Famous People

Cancer stuns Cyrine Abdel Nour and shocks her family

Cyrine Abdel Nour's nephew has cancer

Cyrine Abdel Nour did not allow her to enjoy herself her successes The artist suffers from a very bad psychological situation, as the family received, ten days ago, the news that Sabine Nahas' son, Cyrine Abdel Nour's sister, had leukemia.

The news fell to Jeddah like a thunderbolt to the family, as Kevin, the sixteen-year-old did not complain about anything, and he contracted a severe flu that revealed that he had a malignant disease.

Serene collapsed because of her nephew's illness, she confirmed to "Madam" that she is praying for Kevin's recovery, and she has nothing but prayer, and that she feels fear and anxiety, but she is sure that God will heal Kevin.

In contact with her, Sabine Nahas, Kevin's mother, said that her son did not suffer from any disease, but that during the summer he always complained of extreme fatigue, and spent his time in front of the TV and phone screen, and said that she was urging him to go out. From his age, he preferred to sit in front of the TV, so I forced him to go to exercise, and he used to tell me that he was tired, so he used to go to play basketball and come back before the match ended, and I thought that he was tired because of the high weather.”

Sabine continued in her speech to "Madam", "After that, he began to complain of pain in his knees, so we thought that the issue was caused by the fact that the boy was growing taller, and that this happened with his older brother, so we did not consider the matter important."

And about how to discover the disease, she said, “Divine justice wanted us to discover the disease early. Kevin had a severe flu, and he fell in my hands at home, and this was a sign. We conducted tests and it turned out that he had leukemia.”

Kevin is currently staying at the St. Jude Center at the American University Hospital in Beirut, and the doctor has set a period of 20 to 40 days for him to go home, Sabine says, “It depends on how his body responds to the medication.”

About the chemotherapy sessions that Kevin started, Sabine says that yesterday was very difficult, but she trusts her son's strength, will and endurance.

Kevin will have to miss school, and after the first stage, he will have to return to the hospital every week to undergo treatment, and Sabine hopes that he will successfully overcome this painful experience.

Sabine confirms that she wants to convey her experience to the parents so that they do not underestimate any symptoms that their children may suffer from, and that she wants to record a video for everyone to see when her psychological condition improves, and when we asked her to allow us to transfer this experience to be an alarm bell for the parents, she agreed, saying, "I do not want to One of my sufferers lives, Kevin has never taken an antibiotic and there is no cancer in our family history, but the doctor told me that we live in a polluted environment and breathe diseases.”

She called everyone to pray for her son for his recovery from the diseaseWishing that one day cancer would become a disease of the past.

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