shotsFamous People

The last words of the late artist Reem Al-Banna.. very touching

The Palestinian artist, Rim Banna, passed away today, Saturday, in the German capital, Berlin, after a long struggle with cancer.
The late had published a post on her page on the social networking site "Facebook", in which she sent a message to her children, and Reem explained that she was trying to alleviate the suffering of her children with those words.

“Yesterday, I was trying to alleviate this cruel suffering on my children.
I had to invent a script.
I said...
Do not be afraid..this body is like a shabby does not last..
When I take it off...
I will slip away from among the roses in the chest.
I leave the funeral and “consolation autumns” for cooking, joint aches and colds... Watching the others entering... And the burning smells...
And I will run like a gazelle to my house...
I will cook a good dinner.
I'll tidy the house and light the candles...
I look forward to seeing you on the balcony, as usual.
Sit with a cup of sage..
Watch Marj Ibn Amer..
And I say, this life is beautiful
Death is like history.
Fake chapter...".
Rim Banna is a Palestinian artist who has released a number of music albums.

Reem Banna

She studied music, singing and leading musical groups in Moscow.
She has several musical albums that are dominated by the national character, and she has several albums of songs for children.
Her musical style is characterized by merging traditional Palestinian songs with modern music.

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