
How do you deal with depression?

There is no need to visit a doctor, or medicines whose harm outweighs their usefulness, there is a remedy in the home of each of us for what can affect us from depression or inflammation, so what is this treatment, let's get to know together in this report..

At the top of the list of tips for eating healthy foods, according to the “Care2” website, is to get rid of excess sugar and ready meals. And if you want to improve your mood or treat chest infections, there are some foods that give a feeling of happiness and balance, and reduce inflammation, as follows:

1. Cherry

Many athletes consume tart cherry juice to combat sore muscles and get a state of recovery after exercise. This juice contains high levels of antioxidants, which means it is a natural remedy for oxidative damage, stress and inflammation.

Some studies have shown that cherry juice relieves symptoms and signs of inflammation in arthritis, especially gout, as well as improves mood. Some specialists believe depression is an inflammatory disorder, which makes the antioxidant-rich juice the bottom line for decreasing symptoms of depression.

2. Fermented food

The secret to a balanced mood lies in the gut, as there are connections between the brain and the digestive system, which means that bad moods may be due to inflammation in the body’s organs and gut health in general. When the intestines function well, intestinal inflammation decreases, and moods are more likely to become balanced.

Yogurt and bread are fermented foods that can be eaten at various times.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is known as a good and effective anti-inflammatory, as it has already been shown to reduce arthritis. As it has been shown through the trials of a number of clinical studies, turmeric has antidepressant properties without harmful side effects. It is advised to add black pepper to turmeric to get the highest benefit from curcumin (the active compound turmeric).

4. Omega 3

Foods rich in omega-3 help in creating an appropriate balance of omega fatty acids in the body, thus providing protection against infection, as well as helping to improve the functioning of blood vessels, which is a better resistance to heart disease.

As for mood, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the production of serotonin, popularly known as the happiness hormone. Many studies have proven that depressed patients suffer from a severe deficiency in omega-3.

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