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What are the seven wonders of the world that fascinated the world?

Each of the seven wonders of the world has a story that tells the reason for its construction and its fame, and these wonders are:
Great Pyramid Khufu

In Egypt, it is one of the greatest edifices in the world. Pharaoh Khufu ordered its construction to serve as a tomb for him, and it is the largest of the three pyramids. The pyramid of Khufu is located in the city of Giza in Egypt. It was built in the period 2584-2561 BC. It took 20 years to build, and is considered one of the oldest wonders. the seven worlds; It enlisted 360 men in its construction, and 2.3 million stone blocks were used, weighing approximately 2 tons for each block. The height of the pyramid is approximately 480 feet; i.e. 146 AD, and it was one of the world's most controversial figures; It is believed to be the tallest structure built by man for 4 years, and it is the only survivor and the only remaining one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

In Iraq, the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Iraq in the period between 605-562 BC; As a gift to his wife, who was yearning for her country and the beauty of her nature, one of the most telling descriptions of her is that of the historian Diodorus of Sicily, who described them as self-watering plant planes. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are rocky terraces that rise gradually to more than 23 m, and can be reached by climbing through a series of stairs. The gardens were planted with many types of flowers, fruits, and winter and summer vegetables; To remain green and prosperous throughout the year, it was also surrounded by a moat on the banks of the Euphrates River. These gardens have eight gates, the most famous of which is the Ishtar Gate.
The existence of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon has been debated; Since the Babylonian history did not mention it, in addition to that, the father of history Herodotus did not talk about it in his descriptions of the city of Babylon, but many historians have proven that it did exist, such as: Diodorus, Philo, and Strabo, and the gardens of Babylon were destroyed after their buildings. An earthquake struck the area.

Temple of Artemis

In Turkey, the Temple of Artemis was built under the auspices of the King of Lydia, King Croesus in 550 BC, and was named after Queen Artemis. Its height reached 120 feet and its width was 425 feet. by a man named Herostratus; On July 225, 127 BC, Herostratus set fire to the temple; With the aim of declaring himself by destroying one of the most wonderful structures built by mankind, but the Ephesians did not admit it.
The temple at that time was considered one of the most amazing and amazing structures, and Alexander II donated its construction, but the people of Ephesus initially refused it, but it was rebuilt after his death but on a smaller scale, and it was destroyed again by the Goths when he invaded Greece, then the third and the last was built for the Then it was completely destroyed in 401 BC, when a large group of Christians shot it under the command of Saint John, according to what the historian Strabo mentioned in his book, and some of its parts are still preserved in the British Museum.

Statue of Zeus

In Olympia, the statue of Zeus was created by one of the best sculptors in the world, the Greek sculptor Phidias, in the fifth century BC; In honor of the god Zeus, Phidias depicted the god Zeus sitting on his throne, and he used ivory in its construction to depict his body, and his dress was of hammered gold, and the length of the statue reached 12 m. , where he wanted to photograph him while he was sitting, but because of his height it appeared as if he was standing to touch the ceiling, and thus his estimation of the dimensions was incorrect. The statue was toppled and moved to the city of Constantinople to be destroyed by fire, after the emergence of Christianity and the prohibition of idolatrous rituals.

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (Mausolus)

In Turkey, the mausoleum of the Persian King Satrap Mausolus, known as the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, was built in 351 BC, and was named after the city of Halicarnassus, which the king took as his capital. In 353 BC, his remains were placed there in his memory, and two years later she also died, and her remains were placed there alongside those of her husband. The height of the mausoleum reached 135 feet, and 4 Greek sculptors participated in its decoration. The shrine was destroyed by a group of earthquakes, and in 1494 AD, it was completely dismantled and used by the army of Saint John in the construction of Bodrum Castle, and the stones used are still present today.
The mausoleum consists of three parts from the inside. In the lower part, the visitor finds a huge hall built of white marble, topped by the second level, which has 36 columns distributed over the parts to support the ceiling of the mausoleum. At the base of the mausoleum, there are corridors that lead to a room where treasures, gold, and the remains of the king and queen are placed inside a white marble sarcophagus.


In Greece, the Statue of Rhodes is a large statue of a male person, built in the period 292-280 BC; In honor of the god Helios, shepherd of the island of Rhodes, it was built after the successful defense of the city against the invasion that occurred in 305 BC. AD, under the leadership of the Macedonian leader Demetrius, who left behind many weapons that were sold for a sum of money for 56 years. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 226 BC. The statue of Rhodes reached a height of 110 feet, and its legs stood on two identical pedestals, and Pliny says: The statue's fingers are larger than any statue at that time, and according to the historian Theophanes, the statue was covered in bronze, and some of its ruins were sold to a Jewish merchant and transferred to his country.

Lighthouse of Alexandria

In Egypt, Ptolemy I ordered the construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria on an island called Foros, and its construction was completed in 280 BC. The lighthouse at that time was the third in terms of length after the pyramids and the Temple of Artemis; It reached a length of 440 feet, and one of its features is that it reflected the sun's rays during the day through a mirror located above, but at night it was lit by fire, and a person could see it at a distance of 35 miles; That is 57 km. As for the structure, its base was square, to rise later in the form of octagons, but from the middle it was built in a circular shape. The lighthouse was destroyed by earthquakes. The first earthquake caused massive damage to it in 956 AD, followed by the second earthquake in 1303, followed by a third earthquake in 1323 AD, and its final disappearance was in 1480 AD, and its place is now occupied by a castle called some of Qaitbei. Lighthouse stones.

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