
Libra Horoscope 2017: The year of great steps

It's your year, dear Libra, so be happy with it. The planet Jupiter entered your sign in the month of September last, and will settle in it until the tenth of next October, i.e. the amount of a whole year. All personal, professional and financial fields.
There is no doubt that you have gone through difficult and complicated periods, and you suffered from the opposite of Pluton to Uranus for more than three years, and you went through stressful experiences, and suffered more than shock and disappointment, but you are now freed from these pressures, and fate preserves many things for you in 2017. More than that The position of the planet Saturn in Sagittarius guarantees you long-term success, talks about rewards for your efforts, and invites you to plan for tomorrow and lay solid foundations for launching towards promising projects.
The planets Jupiter and Saturn motivate you to be optimistic, suggest the luck that accompanies your projects, and push you to dig deeper into the topics you touch on, and the astrological horoscope in general makes you organize your thoughts and papers better.
You learn something new, or you enter a field for the first time. Surprises await you, as unexpected events occur, and they may make you helpless at first glance, then you feel that something positive has arisen from them.
Don't be afraid, just keep trying, because sometimes your projects will magically come true with ease you didn't expect.

Libra on the health level:
Healthy, you must pay attention to heart disease and diabetes, and conduct medical examinations on an ongoing basis to check on the condition of the heart and pressure.

Libra on the professional and financial level:
You will not miss the opportunities that drive your business towards success, with strong morale, and setting goals that you will walk towards with confidence. It's a critical year for your professional situation, and what you establish now has a long-term resonance. You turn a page since the beginning of the year, engage in long and delicate negotiations, perhaps, and hear words of praise, but you follow your path with stronger spirits than before and with ingenuity and good behavior, even if an authority objected to you or one of the officials, or something disturbed your endeavors or delayed some benefits, especially in the months of February (February) and between June, July and October, when you may receive false promises, and face opponents who try to offend you and pull the rug out from under your feet.
Fortunately this year you resist all these possibilities, and make your way, drawing up a plan of attack if necessary; This year seems crucial to your business, and what you establish is based on a solid building.
The important thing is to keep your nerves, and not to miscalculate or indulge in uncalculated investments. This, and you may receive unexpected sums of money, travel in search of something new, and move to another location and to another stage of your life.

Libra on the emotional and personal level:
Emotionally, it is an exceptional year, during which what you may not have lived in the past happens, as you know unparalleled popularity, get to know many people, and answer invitations with ecstasy and joy. You make important friendships, make big decisions with your partner, change your life, and move to another stage. But if you are single, you may be linked this year and move to the golden cage. Behaving with the lover improved tactfully and cunningly, in order to push him to make the final decision of the engagement.
You may find the love that has been lost from you or reconsider your connections, or on the contrary, you are living a separation, estrangement or divorce, but you seem the most benefiting from the planet Jupiter, which visits you since the first month, so you go off with comfort for some procedures, and Uranus facing your circle generates upheavals and reconsideration in some Considerations and convictions impose many changes on the emotional level.

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