
Very bad habits that you should get rid of after eating

Food is one of the pleasures of life, and it is a duty and necessary for human life, health and strength. It is the primary responsible for the activity of the body, which makes it perform all the tasks required of it. If you are not interested in your food, your body will suffer from weakness and lethargy and many diseases and health problems.

Common mistakes:

But many people eat their food in the wrong way that causes an increase in the problems and diseases they suffer from. Excessive food and lack of attention to its quality cause harm and damage to the body as well, as is the case with abstaining or reducing food.

And after the meal is finished, many people do some behaviors that cause severe harm to their bodies, and unfortunately many of them are done by people naturally without knowing the extent of the harm they cause to them and their bodies, the most important of which are:

Very bad habits that you should get rid of after eating - tea

You should not drink tea immediately after completing your meal because its leaves contain a high percentage of acid, which negatively affects the protein that entered your body through foods and exposes them to dehydration, making them difficult to digest. Therefore, it is preferable to drink tea two hours after finishing the meal. the least.

fruits :

Very bad habits that you should get rid of after eating - fruits

Refrain from eating fruits after completing your meal because they cause the abdomen to bloat as a result of excess air, so wait for two hours after eating a meal to give your digestive system the opportunity to digest the food, then eat whatever fruits you want in moderate quantities.

Belt :

Very bad habits that you should get rid of after eating - loosen your belt

Some people loosen their pants belts after eating, and this behavior is wrong and very harmful because it may cause the stomach to twist and crack.

Bathing :

Very bad habits that you should get rid of after eating - showering

Completely refrain from taking a shower after you finish eating your meal because this causes an increase in blood flow to the extremities of the body, including the hands and legs, which will make the blood flow less in several other areas of the body, especially the abdominal area, which will weaken the function of the digestive system.

Walking :

Very bad habits that you should get rid of after eating - walking

Some people think, as a result of inherited habits, that walking after eating is an obligatory and feasible thing, but this matter seriously harms your body and will disrupt the work of the digestive system from extracting food from the foods you have eaten. Therefore, you should refrain from engaging in any physical activity until at least an hour has passed. from eating.

sleep :

Very bad habits that you should get rid of after eating - sleeping

Sleeping after eating is one of the things that cause the most harm to the body because it contributes to disrupting the digestion of food because the activity of the organs is very little when sleeping, which may lead to obesity, intestinal infection or inflammation.


Very bad habits that you should get rid of after eating - smoking

Everyone knows the different harms of smoking to health and the body, but smoking immediately after eating doubles these damages to at least ten times. If you smoke one roll after eating, it will be equivalent to smoking ten rolls at other times, and this will expose you to the risk of cancer, diseases and other health problems.

The pleasures of life are many, but we must know how to use them so that they do not cause adverse results that harm us and our bodies.

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