
Indigestion treatment and ways to get rid of it

Indigestion is pain in the chest and abdomen that usually occurs after eating or drinking too much. The pain may be sharp, dull, or a feeling of fullness.

Sometimes a painful burning sensation called a burning sensation that extends from the stomach towards the neck occurs after eating.

Indigestion may also be accompanied by some disorders in the digestive system. Swallowing air by chewing, speaking while chewing or swallowing food quickly may cause indigestion.

Scientists attribute indigestion to psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, tension, or disappointment, as they lead to disruption of the neural mechanism that controls the contraction of the muscles of the stomach and intestines.

Indigestion treatment

Indigestion treatment and ways to get rid of it

The treatment of indigestion is divided into three sections:

First: Chemical treatment:
Specialist doctors do not recommend using it unless the acidity increases significantly, or the person is exposed to ulcers.

Second, herbal medicine:
There are a large number of herbal medicines that are used to treat indigestion, and here we will list the most important ones:


There are many types of patience, but the types used medically are three, and they are ordinary patience, Asian patience, and African patience.

The well-known and circulating species is known as ALOE VERA and it grows in the Middle East. The part used from the aloes plant is the juice secreted by the thick, dagger-shaped leaves.

This extract containing anthraquinone glucosides is used as a laxative in large doses and as a laxative in smaller doses.

The juice is also used to treat indigestion and heartburn.

There is a preparation sold in health food stores, where a cup of coffee is taken once on an empty stomach and once when going to sleep, and the stomach must be empty of food.

Anise ANISE:

Anise is a small plant with a height of not more than 50 cm. It has umbrella-shaped fruits. The used part of the plant is its fruits, which people call anise seeds.

Anise fruits contain volatile oil, and the most important compounds of this oil is ANETHOLE.

The seeds are used against colic.

It is taken either as a chewing gum or as a mouthful, or a spoonful of food is taken to fill a cup of boiling water and left for 15 minutes, then the cup is drunk at a rate of three times a day.


It is a perennial herb with a mint fragrance, up to 60 cm high, oval leaves and purple flowers, scientifically known as Calamenth ASCENDES.

It uses aerodynamic parts that contain volatile oil consisting mainly of polygon.

It is used as a repellent for gases and indigestion and is useful in treating coughs and expelling phlegm, as well as colds.

Take a teaspoon of it to fill a cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes, then filter and drink three times a day.

It should not be used by pregnant women and children.


A perennial plant known scientifically as ZINGEBER OFFICINALE, and the used part is its roots located under the surface of the soil, which contains volatile oil.

The most important compounds of this oil are: ZINGIBERENE, CURCUMENE, BETABISABOLINE, PHELLLANDRINE, ZINGEBEROL, GINGEROL, SHOGAOL, to which the spicy taste of ginger is attributed.

Ginger contains a large amount of starch.

It is one of the most widely used drugs and one of the most famous spices.

Boiled ginger sweetened with honey is used to treat cases of cold and cough, expel gas and relieve colic.

Ginger capsules sold in health food stores are used at a rate of two against nausea before traveling on sea or air flights for those suffering from seasickness or vomiting on the plane.

It is also used at a rate of one capsule as a maximum for the treatment of morning sickness in pregnant women.

It should not be used by people with gallbladder disease, and large doses should not be used in cases of diabetes. It should also not be used by people with heart disease, as it causes palpitations in cases of overdose. Ginger overlaps with high and low pressure diseases, and excessive doses of it cause uncontrolled pressure.


An annual herbaceous plant with a height of up to 20 cm, scientifically known as PETROSELINUM CRISPUM. The part used is leaves, seeds and roots.

Parsley contains volatile oil, 20% of which consists of myristicin, about 18% of apiol and many other terpenes. It also contains flavonoids, phthalates, coumarins, vitamins A, C, and E, and high levels of iron.

Parsley is used to remove indigestion, where several fresh twigs are eaten after washing well, or a teaspoon of dried crushed plant is taken and added to a cup of boiling water and left to soak for 10 minutes, then filtered and drunk three times a day.

Third: Nutritional Supplements:

Indigestion treatment and ways to get rid of it

the Garlic:

It is taken at a rate of two capsules with each meal, as it eliminates unwanted bacteria in the intestines and helps in good digestion.

Vitamin B complex:

Vitamin B complex is taken at a rate of 100 mg three times daily with food and is considered necessary for good digestion.

Lecithin granules or lecithin capsules:

Lecithin granules are taken at the rate of one tablespoonful three times daily before eating, or 1200 mg of lecithin capsules three times daily before eating. Lecithin emulsifies fats, which helps break them down, thus making them easier to digest.


A spoonful is taken half an hour before eating, three times a day, which is necessary for digestion.

Important instructions for people with indigestion

Indigestion treatment and ways to get rid of it

Your diet should include 75% of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
Fresh papaya and pineapple, which contain bromelain, are good sources of digestive enzymes in your diet.
Reduce the intake of legumes such as beans, lentils, peanuts and soybeans, as they contain enzyme inhibitors.
Avoid caffeine, soft drinks, acidic juices, fats, pasta, peppers, chips, meat, tomatoes, and spicy and salty foods.
Do not eat dairy products and processed fast foods, as they lead to the formation of mucus, which in turn leads to the indigestion of proteins.
If you have had abdominal surgery such as a bowel shortening, take pancreatin to help digest food, and if you have low blood sugar you need pancreatin and use it after meals if you feel full, bloated and have gas.
Chew food well and do not swallow it quickly.
Do not eat when you are angry or stressed.
Do not drink liquids while eating, as this affects the gastric juices and causes indigestion.
If you feel heartburn and symptoms persist, consult a doctor. If the pain begins to move to the left arm or is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, dizziness, or shortness of breath, go to the hospital, because these symptoms are similar to the early symptoms of a heart attack.

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