Famous People

Kivanc Tatlitug Hazal Kaya is like my sister and Beren Sat is mysterious

Despite the harmony between Kivanc Tatlitug and Bir Sat, the relationship between them is in fact not what it seems? Kivanc Tatlitug confirmed that his communication with most of the heroes of his famous series “Forbidden Love” still exists despite the passage of 10 years since the show serial Which at that time achieved great public success in the Arab East and Turkey.

Muhannad Kivanc Hazal Kaya

Muhannad celebrates Hazal Kaya's wedding and the appearance of the heroes of Forbidden Love!!

Regarding his relations with the rest of the heroes, Kivanc said: "Beren Sat is my colleague, not my friend, but Hazal Kaya is my friend and colleague as well. I love this young woman because she is kind and has a white heart and loves goodness for everyone and always asks about me, I feel like my little sister."

Kivanc Beren Hazal
And about his relationship with heroine Beren Saat said: “I respect her very much as an actress and love to watch her. She has a very good talent, but we are not close to each other, as her personality is a bit mysterious.

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