
The game of demons attributes children's schools... Charlie's challenge haunts them in their nightmares

Charlie Challenge children attack and parents have nightmares in imminent danger. In a new deadly challenge, schoolchildren are chased in Egypt after the spread of "Chari", or the game of pens, which depends on invoking jinns and demons, which raised a state of terror among parents, especially after There are many warnings about this challenge among teenagers and children at recent days.

Challenge Charlie invades schools
Challenge Charlie invades schools

imminent danger

This prompted the Ministry of Education to warn parents and emphasize monitoring their children's activity on smartphones in light of the spread of electronic applications and games that may pose an imminent threat to their mental and physical health.

The ministry announced that it had instructed all educational departments across Egypt to warn school principals to monitor any unusual activities carried out by students that might harm them, and to implement awareness campaigns about the harms of electronic games that some students seek to apply on the ground.

She also emphasized that family control has become an urgent necessity and a top priority in light of some students practicing dangerous activities through smart phone applications, which affects their mental and physical health, which in turn is reflected in their academic performance.

What is Charlie's Challenge?

The story of the spread of the Charlie Challenge dates back to 2015 on the Twitter platform, and it is a challenge of Mexican origin, but it has recently spread through Tik Tok, and students interact with it inside schools, which poses a great danger to them.

The “Charlie” challenge relies on spiritual communication, such as the Ouija game, which is one of the ancient Mexican rituals. Yes or no.


The players participating in the Charlie Challenge use two pencils, to be placed on top of each other as an X, on a sheet of paper with the words “yes” and “no” written on it, and surrounded by a square divided into four sections, on each part of which are written the words “yes” and “no”, distributed evenly.

The death challenge on Tik Tok causes the death of four teenagers

Dangerous game Charlie

The participants in the Charlie Challenge call out to Charlie's spirit with the phrases, "Charlie are you here?" or “Charlie, can we play?” And then wait until the pens start moving, and then the player asks questions, and Charlie answers by moving the pen to one of the answers, either yes or no.

While many psychologists warned against this game, they indicated that children who used to play this game experienced strange symptoms, such as seeing shadows, hearing the laughter of a hidden child, seeing nightmares and fantasies, and seeing the ghost of the child “Charlie” in the wardrobe, while some were not exposed to the same. These symptoms depend on the degree of vulnerability to this mysterious game

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