
Why do we post?

Why do we post?

This question must have come to you over and over again, especially during critical times when your thinking is focused on something, so you lose your connection with the outside world completely, which makes you lose focus.

In a psychological study prepared by two physicians at the University of Illinois Psychology, Simon Buetti and Alejandro Lleras wrote: One must constantly maintain a balance between inner mental focus and contact with the outside world, but when one increases The need for a high level of concentration, we may form a momentary impression that we need to disengage from the outside world in order to have the required level of mental focus and thus wander.”

Putti Wieras designed a series of experiments with the aim of testing the prevailing opinion in this field, which assumes that mind wandering becomes easier the greater mental effort required to complete the required job.

The results indicated, according to what was reported by the "I Believe in Science" website, that mental focus on complex tasks reduces one's sense of events in the world around him that are not related to those tasks.

“When it comes to focusing on one of two worlds - the inner mental world to solve a problem and the world around you - it seems that there is a need inside us that pushes us to separate from one of these two worlds in order to pour all our focus on the other world,” said Yaras.

Thus, the results confirmed that the difficulty of the task is not the only factor that affects the level of concentration. There are many other factors, the most important of which is the decision we make in our minds.

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