beauty and health

A recipe to get rid of blackheads

A recipe to get rid of blackheads


spoon of nigella, not ground

5 tablespoons pure olive oil

spoonful of coarse salt or sugar

coffee spoon

The way

We mix olive oil with nigella and beat them because the essential oils in nigella are mixed with olive oil

Add the rest of the ingredients, coffee and salt, then mix them well

Put the mixture after covering it in the refrigerator

Daily put a towel in hot water and pass it on the area for two minutes, then put the recipe on the place of pimples for a whole hour.

Then rub it well and you will notice some redness

Wash your face well with warm and then cold water to close the pores

Wipe the blackheads area with a cotton dipped in natural rose water

After 10 days of application, you will notice the wonderful result

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