
5 reasons why it is important to drink a lot of water in the winter

5 reasons why it is important to drink a lot of water in the winter

We all know the importance of staying hydrated during the hot summer months, but for many of us our water consumption dips during the winter. There are less obvious reminders to ensure you drink water and you're less likely to feel thirsty in cooler weather than you would during hot summer days. However, it is more important to drink more water during the winter than in the summer. Here are five main reasons why you should be consuming enough water to stay healthy and hydrated during the winter months.

5 reasons why it is important to drink a lot of water in the winter

1. Anti-dry in winter

When the weather cools off, we find ourselves winding up in more layers and running heaters. This artificially warm environment coupled with the dry air of artificial heating leads to a dry winter. It's hard to notice dehydration in the winter - especially if you don't sweat while you're cold.
You may not have realized that you didn't drink any water during the day, especially since your body's response to thirst is greatly diminished in cold weather. However, dehydration can have significant effects on your well-being. It is important to stay hydrated to regulate your body temperature, allowing your blood to carry important nutrients and oxygen around your body and to detoxify your body.

During the winter your body loses moisture in other ways, such as the water vapor you see from your mouth and nose when you're outside in cold weather, this may not be as noticeable as a leading indicator of summer sweats but shouldn't be ignored nonetheless.

Remember, just because you don't feel thirsty doesn't mean your body is hydrated.

2. Improve your complexion

Dry and stagnant air often created from central heating and hot air conditioning and heating can take its toll on your skin. Dry air and the contrast between being in a warm room outside in the cold can cause the skin to crack and separate. Water is vital to keeping your skin cells full and hydrated, which reduces the risk of cracking and flaking.
Water also removes impurities in your body, which, when not well hydrated, can come through your pores, causing blemishes.

Dull skin is another problem in winter with a combination of dry air and a lack of hydration. Keep your skin glowing by drinking water at regular intervals, even though you may not feel thirsty.

3. Be more energetic

 Mid-afternoon or maybe you need a mid-afternoon caffeine boost to help you stave off fatigue? You likely suffer from dehydration, which is a major cause of daytime fatigue. Staying well hydrated will ensure that your body functions are supported and running efficiently. When your body functions dehydrated and starts to use up extra energy resources, it makes you feel tired and sluggish.

Keep a glass of water on hand and sip regularly to keep you alert and energetic during the day.

4. Fight winter weight gain

When the weather is miserable and the days are dark, our bodies want rest; This often manifests in comfort food — often high-calorie and unhealthy. Why not drink a glass of water beforehand? Our minds often mistake thirst for hunger and after drinking water hunger is appeased. This means that you may not feel the need to snack or eat more and can resist temptation more easily.

Being well hydrated also helps the digestive system to function and process food better, which is vital during the months when we tend to consume. Make sure to drink plenty of water to give your body a hand in digesting food.

5. Protect your immune system

The winter months can be a time to test our immune systems, with the many airborne viruses we are all exposed to. Dehydration can seriously weaken the barriers of our immune system. A lack of water can dry out the mucous membranes in our lungs and sinus passages which can reduce their resistance to infection.
Keeping the water hydrated during the winter season ensures that the barriers used to protect your body from colds and flu are fully functional and remain fully intact.

To ensure you stay healthy during the winter, make sure you keep drinking water regularly and fighting viruses.

We hope these five reasons are enough to remind you to conserve your water during the colder months and keep you happy and healthy indoors and out.

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