
Causes and treatment of cramping feet

With the onset of winter, the cold begins, which is often accompanied by some health and physical problems, due to weak immunity and resistance as a result of climatic changes.

Among the most important of these troubles, recurrent foot cramps, which cause aches and tightness that vary according to the degree of recurrence and severity, what are the causes of feet cramp?

Causes and treatment of cramping feet Health I Salwa

Humidity and low temperature

Suddenly returning to exercise after a long break

Deficiency of potassium, calcium and some vitamins

Flat feet may cause these cramps to recur

Pregnancy causes cramps in the leg muscles of a pregnant woman

How is the prevention of foot cramps?

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Causes and treatment of cramping feet Health I Salwa

Warm up before you start exercising, such as jogging or squatting

Gently massage the muscles to improve blood circulation

- Use warm water while taking a shower

Eat foods rich in vitamins and calcium, such as: white cheese, dried apricots, nuts rich in potassium, and bananas

Consumption of sugar, coffee and smoking should be reduced, as nicotine and caffeine in the body cause frequent cramps in the feet.

Blonde lady covered by blanket in the bed room suffering from the callosity
Causes and treatment of cramping feet Health I Salwa

Take great care of the health of the feet, because it is indicative of the health of the body, and try to monitor your situation constantly. If cramps recur for no apparent reason, consult a doctor immediately.

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