
The exploitative or self-interested personality and its types

The exploitative or self-interested personality and its types

The exploitative or self-interested personality and its types

It is considered one of the worst types of personalities because the exploitative person has no human characteristics other than selfishness and self-interest

He appears as an ideal, kind-hearted person, so that he can enter people's hearts to achieve his goals and interests.

The exploited person is a person who has abandoned his self-esteem and humanity for the sake of his interests without taking into account the rights of others

He walks on the ruins of others, for nothing in this world is more important to him than achieving his own interests

He sees himself as superior and of greater value than you in society
All his works are complete, and all your actions presented to him are incomplete

One of the characteristics of people with this personality is that no matter how hard you work for them, they convey to you the feeling that what you did was your duty.

You may do a lot for them and in the end they make you feel that they are the ones who are better than you.

You will find yourself exhausted and without any appreciation from them for the effort, effort, effort and money you have put in.

He tries to use a person for his personal interests and only appears when he has an interest, then disappears when his interest is served.

There are those who have friendships of convenience with many people who benefit from them to facilitate their affairs. Each one compliments the other and claims his friendship, and this style of dealing has unfortunately become the norm.

Types of exploitative or exploitative:

The end justifies the means:
This is the only rule that Al-Muslehji believes in. He believes that the available opportunity is a spoil that should not be abandoned regardless of the circumstances surrounding it. He has no problem with means and methods, because the ends justify everything.

▫️ Flatterers and hypocrites:
Opportunistic people master the art of flattery and hypocrisy. They have the ability to provoke the natural desire for praise and praise, and they use this ability wisely and cunningly.

▫️As for the strategic reformer:
He is the most cunning and experienced in achieving his interests and using others. This type of stakeholder will not suddenly ask you for a request. He may make several calls to reassure you and perhaps you will go together for a completely innocent walk. Then he presents his problem so that it appears casual in the conversation and asks for what he wants, and usually disappears. When he serves his interests, but he may also try to check on you a few times before disappearing just in case; He may need you again!

▫️My reform for your “good” benefit:
This type of stakeholder makes you believe that the service you will provide to him is in your own interest! He tries to provoke your innate desire to achieve easy benefits in order to achieve his own benefit with you, and often your benefit is very slight or even imaginary, but he knows how to convince you that you are the primary beneficiary.

Some people get angry when they are told (reconciler), meaning he seeks his interests, when we are all, without exception, stakeholders. So what is the defect here when the masses of private interests meet within the framework of the interests of society, and doubt and suspicion increase in what they always claim to be working for the public good? This is a lie and deception.

But what is correct is that interests that seem different or even conflicting should be harmonized, so that they converge and intersect at the meeting point of the goal.

Whoever establishes a factory or a large store or establishes a major institution, his goal is not primarily the public good or charitable works only, but rather he strives to seize an opportunity for gain, profit, and collecting money. But in this pursuit, how many jobs have been created, how many jobs have been saved, and how many doors of livelihood have been opened. For his society, the public good is not a desired social goal in itself, but rather a means of coexistence and the coming together of those with special interests to achieve the interest of society as a whole.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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