
Finally the end of the covid virus and its terrifying years

Finally the end of the covid virus and its terrifying years

Finally the end of the covid virus and its terrifying years

Specialized scientists in Singapore were able to achieve a massive medical breakthrough, as they discovered antibodies that may lead to the final elimination of “Covid” viruses that terrified humanity for many years before a vaccine was reached that makes the human body able to resist them, but it does not eliminate them as viruses and does not prevent prevalence or transmission from one person to another.

According to a report published by the British newspaper (METRO), scientists have discovered antibodies that can neutralize almost all known types of “Covid” viruses, which provides hope for preventing future outbreaks of the Corona virus.

The antibodies were initially isolated from the blood of a recovering SARS patient who had gone to receive a vaccine against the “Covid 19” virus that caused the “Corona” disease, which spread in the world in the beginning of the year 2020.

"This unique combination of previous coronavirus infection and vaccination generated a very broad and potent antibody response capable of stopping almost all related coronaviruses tested," said the Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore, which led the research.

Six antibodies were obtained that can neutralize many coronaviruses, including “Covid 19”, “SARS”, variants alpha, beta, gamma, delta, omicron, the original SARS virus and many other animal coronaviruses transmitted from bats and pangolins.

According to scientists, the stronger antibody, called E7, works by targeting a specific weakness in the virus's spike protein, which it uses to invade cells. The antibody appears to "lock" the spike into the inactive conformation, preventing the deformation process that the virus requires to infect cells and cause disease.

"The effectiveness and breadth of the E7 antibody exceeded any other SARS-related antibodies that we encountered," said Dr. Xia Wan Ni, the study's first and principal investigator. He added, “It has maintained its activity even against the latest sub-Omicron variants, while most other antibodies lose their effectiveness.”

Professor Wang Linfa, senior author, and a world-renowned bat virus expert, added, "This work shows that the induction of broad-spectrum antibodies to neutralize SARPV is possible, it just needs the correct immunogenic sequencing and delivery method. This provides hope that a universal vaccine design can be done." Corona virus is achievable.”

outbreak of a global pandemic

The outbreak of the “Covid 19” virus nearly four years ago led to a global pandemic unprecedented in modern history.

A number of vaccines were developed in record time, which made it possible to widely vaccinate against the disease, but the “Covid 19” virus continued to mutate and create new variables, and the effectiveness of existing vaccines in the world diminished.

“This collaborative effort led by Professor Wang and his team expands our ability to protect against the current coronavirus threats to human health, as well as new viruses that may emerge in the future,” said Professor Patrick Tan, Senior Vice Dean for Research.

He added, “This confirms the pivotal role that basic scientific research plays in developing knowledge, with the aim of discovering new approaches to transform medicine and improve life.”

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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