
How do we distinguish the most important characteristics of a homosexual person?

How do we distinguish the most important characteristics of a homosexual person?

Some of the signs that might make us only expect (not sure) that this person has homosexual tendencies are as follows:

1_ Talking excessively about people of the same sex

Your boyfriend or girlfriend speaks with great interest and admiration about people of the same gender.

Everyone may one day speak fondly of another person, even if they are of the same gender.

But if your boyfriend or girlfriend is focusing on other details like (likes, smiles, steps, looks... ) for a person of the same sex, this may indicate that they have sexual tendencies towards people of the same sex

2_ Impressive and excited looks at people of the same sex are among the signs of an open boy:

People who have sexual inclinations towards the opposite sex (non-homosexuals) find them looking at people of the opposite sex with admiration (the man’s view of the woman or the woman’s view of the man).

While a gay man or a gay woman is looking closely at someone of the same sex

While they may not be interested in the opposite sex (except for intersex people)

3_ Indifference to the presence of the opposite sex is one of the biggest signs of an open boy:

As we have said, one of the biggest signs of an open boy is a great coldness and lukewarmness when it comes to the opposite sex. Your friend or girlfriend does not show any interest in this subject as if the opposite sex does not exist in this world!

But the presence of this sign only does not mean that your friend is gay, he may be basically "asexual", and therefore not interested in the subject of sex at all.

4_ All talk about homosexuality:

In every dialogue and every discussion you find that your friend is trying to turn to the topic of homosexuality and ask indirect questions about sexual preferences and interests of someone of the same sex.

Perhaps it is curiosity that drives him to talk about this topic or a love of knowledge about sensitive topics

But if this is happening all the time, then this may indicate that your friend is gay.

But the characteristics of a homosexual man or the characteristics of a homosexual woman are not limited to this sign، So they should not be judged based on the topics they are constantly talking about.

5_ Physical appearance closer to the opposite sex:

This mark remains relative and cannot be measured against all homosexuals.

Mostly, the passive homosexual man tends in the way he dresses, speaks and moves to the female.

But not all gays fit this description, as there are gay men who do not fit into their appearance any feminine characteristic.

The same applies to homosexual women, as there are those who tend towards masculinity in the way of their dress and speech.

But not all gay women fit this description.

Generally speaking, if your friend is a man and his manner of speaking and dress is very feminine,

Or if your friend is a woman and the way she talks and dresses is very masculine,

These are things that will make you think that your boyfriend or girlfriend is gay.

6_ No sexual tendencies towards friends of the opposite sex:

Your boyfriend or girlfriend is surrounded by many friends of the opposite sex without having a sexual orientation towards them.

For example, you find a gay man surrounded by many girlfriends all the time without having any sexual orientation to one of them

7- Visiting places known to be gay:

In which country in the world do you find some places where gay people go, either legally (in countries that recognize gay rights) or illegally (in countries that criminalize homosexuality)

In general, these places are known to be visited by homosexuals, so if your friend visits these places as well, it is natural to suspect his sexual inclinations.

8_ The circle of friends consists of gay people:

If most of your boyfriend or girlfriend's friends are gay, it also makes you wonder if your boyfriend is also gay.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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