How does he express his pain according to his horoscope?

How does he express his pain according to his horoscope?

How does he express his pain according to his horoscope?


 He turns into an angry person for no reason.. He screams at everyone all the time and can't bear any word, even if it is a compliment.

the Bull

 He disappears and isolates himself


He looks like dead, he does not laugh and does not move (and if he moves, his movement is very slow) He is sparse and sometimes he may resort to his very close friends to complain to them


 He withdraws and hides from view and cries a lot.. he can also become mean

the lion

 His arrogance will increase, his nervousness will appear clear, and his orders to everyone around him will increase in an annoying manner


He becomes a lot of criticism and complaints and is isolated.. he also becomes colder and more withdrawn


 He stays with someone so that he does not feel lonely because he is afraid of her

The scorpion

He will grow harsh and mean in front of everyone and hide at the end of the day to allow his tears to fall.

the bow

 He will try to appear more indifferent than normal and will laugh at everything, even in inappropriate situations, and will become irritable


 You will not feel any change, it is always the same and does not show any change


 He will become more withdrawn and introverted, and you will find it difficult to get him out of this state


He will cry all the time and keep talking to anyone and everyone and express to him how he feels even if this person is not close to him

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