
How to reach the golden stage of psychological strength?

How to reach the golden stage of psychological strength?

How to reach the golden stage of psychological strength?

inner strength 

1 - Within each of us there is strength, the more you can believe in it, the greater will be his chances of freedom, happiness, joy and self-confidence
2 - If we choose to live in the past and search for negative situations that occurred there, we will remain prisoners in the same place. But if we choose the conscious choice not to live as victims of the past, then this inner strength will transform us into new experiences and a new and happy life. No one but us can control our lives
3 - Responsibility is a feeling of power, not guilt. If we use our problems and illnesses as opportunities to change our lives, we have power. Everything you have experienced in your life is the result of thoughts and beliefs of the past. Be proud. Your past is rich and your copy does not exist now. Without it, do not punish yourself. You did the best you could at that time.
4 - Loving yourself turns you from a victim to a winner. Confident people are attractive by nature. Opportunities come to them easily and without effort.
5 - You may not be able to understand everything with your limited mind as a human being, but you have to know that you are in the right place and do the right work at the right time. Your current experience is the starting point for a new awareness and new opportunities.

 The power of the spoken word 

“Declare to yourself what you want, every day of your life, declare it to yourself as if you own it.”
There is tremendous power in our spoken words and most of us are unaware of it, it is what builds life, and we do not always choose our words carefully.
Changing our speech to ourselves: We often obeyed the orders of our parents in order to get their love, as if love and acceptance from our people were conditional. To ourselves is what attracts us all life experiences, and if we underestimate ourselves, life will give us little, and if we love ourselves, our life will be like a gift.
- We also have to remove the word “I am forced” from our dictionary, for example, saying every day “I am forced to work” I am forced to do such and such, in this way you are putting pressure on yourself, instead of “I am forced” to choose, and the actions of a person should be fruit his options.

The power of the subconscious mind 

1 - Your subconscious mind does not distinguish good from false, it does not understand humor, and you have to know this idea.
2 - Your subconscious mind does not distinguish between you and others. It hears words and thinks that you are talking about yourself
3 - Love yourselves, for this is the best you can do for yourself. When a person loves himself, he will not harm her and will not harm others

Understand the parts that connect you 

After we know that the power is within us, we will discover what prevents us from utilizing it:
1- Criticism
2- A feeling of guilt, which generates in us a feeling of inferiority
Express your feelings:
And that suppressing feelings leads to depression, and also that fear is a loss of confidence
And giving up addiction: When we hide our fears behind our addiction, we may become addicted to alcohol, food, or emotional addiction, such as debt addiction or rejection, but in all cases, addiction is an individual decision, and by the way, why not get addicted to loving yourself, for example?

transcend the pain 

1- The pain of death:
If someone you love dies, take at least a year of mourning and give yourself the opportunity to move past the pain.
2 - Pain comes in many forms. It may come in the form of a scratch, a wound, or insomnia. Pain usually tells us a message.
3- Forgiveness is the path to freedom.
It is stupid to punish yourself for someone who has hurt you in the past, and we must be convinced that forgiving others benefits us a hundred times more than them.

love yourself 

1 - Stop criticizing yourself
2- Refrain from terrorizing yourself and exaggerating things
3- Be patient and kind to yourself
4- Treat your mind with kindness
5 - Appreciate yourself
6- Support yourself and accept help from others
7- Love your sins, they are part of your creation
8 - Your body is what contains your soul, so take care of it as your home
9 - Love yourself now without waiting

I love the child inside you 

1 - You strong, independent woman within you is a child who needs your help, and you, mighty strong man, there is a child inside of you who needs your warmth and affection
2 - Everything you learned in your childhood is still engraved in the memory of the child inside you. If your parents are strict, this child may still follow the laws of your parents and live in constant fear.
3 - No matter how your childhood was, today you are responsible for your life and you can blame your family and your past and continue to play the victim and you will not be able to reach freedom
4 - Love is the greatest of feelings. It is able to erase the ugliest and most painful memories, so you love to have a happy, free and strong life.

Express your creativity 

1 - Working in a field you love is an expression of yourself. Your work is an expression of your creativity and imagination
2 - We often think that we have to work hard in professions that we hate for a living, but this is a wrong thinking. You can work in something you love and make enough money happily and comfortably.
3 - Do not care about the country and its economy because it is in a constant state of change. Take care of yourself and your fears. You are the one who controls your income and you have the right to earn more from your family. You deserve to go beyond the limits they set for you.
4 - Money can be obtained in more than one way, and wherever it comes, accept it with joy, as it is a gift from the universe

change and transition 

1 - Some people would rather die than change
2- Change is our liberation from fear, anxiety, isolation, pain and loneliness, so we create a peaceful life in which we can live
3- Life is doors that open and close in your face, a door closes and a million doors open for you. Behind every door is a lesson we learn, and with every lesson we learn, we grow spiritually.
4 - It is important to remind yourself that you are safe, trust yourself and imagine that it opens the door for you to healing, peace, freedom and prosperity
Imagine opening the door to your own personal growth, self-confidence, and self-love
5 - You cannot force anyone to change. Leave them the freedom to express their personalities, and their hearts know the truth and they will change when they want.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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