Reinforcement with a third dose of the Corona vaccine is necessary?

Reinforcement with a third dose of the Corona vaccine is necessary?

Reinforcement with a third dose of the Corona vaccine is necessary?

A surprising statement, experts from the World Health Organization and the US Food and Drug Agency revealed today, Monday, that giving a booster dose of vaccines against the Corona virus to the entire population is not justified at the present time.

These experts stated in the British medical journal, The Lancet, that “these vaccines, which are limited in number, will save a greater number of human lives if they are given to people who are considered very vulnerable to infection seriously from Corona and who have not yet received the vaccine.”

Also, this group of international experts, consisting of specialists from the World Health Organization, the US Food and Drug Agency, and several research bodies in the world, made it clear that "the current data do not show the need for booster doses of the vaccine for the general population, for whom the effectiveness of the vaccine remains high in the face of the most dangerous forms."

Booster doses for specific categories

In addition, countries began giving this booster dose to some groups of society, including the elderly, six months after they were vaccinated, and people with weak immunity.

To justify this, these countries indicated a decline in the effectiveness of these vaccines against the delta mutant, and the effectiveness of these vaccines decreases with the passage of time.

Also, experts in “The Lancet” saw that even if the proportion of antibodies among the vaccinated people decreased, this does not mean that vaccines are less effective in facing dangerous forms of the disease.

They stressed that another aspect of the immune response known as cellular immunity begins its work, but it cannot be measured easily.

In addition, experts considered it better to work on developing enhanced doses specifically designed to counter the resistant mutants that may appear in the future, rather than giving additional doses of existing vaccines.

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