beauty and healthHealth

Ten commandments to get rid of abdominal obesity (rumen)?

There are ten commandments, dear rumen sufferer, if you follow them, you will feel full with the least amount of food.
3- Eat XNUMX large glasses of water before the main meals, as water has no calories and fills the stomach space and thus reduces food intake.
XNUMX- Eat grapefruit or apple cider vinegar before you eat, so it reduces your feeling of hunger and limits your food intake.
XNUMX- Start your food by eating green salads with two tablespoons of vinegar, which will reduce your intake of other high-calorie foods and give you a sense of satiety for a long time, while at the same time their calories are low.
XNUMX- Make sure to eat foods rich in fiber, as it takes a long time in the chewing process, which reduces the feeling of hunger and leads to satiety with the least amount of food.
20- Eat your meal very slowly for more than XNUMX minutes, and you reach the stage of satiety quickly without filling your stomach with many foods, and on the contrary, eating quickly fills the stomach with many foods before you reach the stage of satiety.
XNUMX- Cut the food into small pieces, and each piece is a piece. It has been found that you are satiated after eating a certain number of pieces, and not after a certain amount of food.
XNUMX- Use children's cutlery, meaning that the plates, spoons, forks and knives are very small, this reduces your intake of food and at the same time increases your sense of satiety.
XNUMX- Put the spoon or fork on the table after each time you use it, then chew the food well and then use the spoon or fork again, and so on, and you can rest for a few minutes in the middle of eating
XNUMX- Keep large utensils filled with food away from the table and complete the rooms in the kitchen, then transfer the food to the table with as much attention as possible from food in general.
XNUMX- Do not throw any new food into your mouth before you have completely swallowed the food in your mouth, and avoid eating food standing and eating it while you are calm and relaxed. 

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