This is why King Charles hates Meghan Markle

King Charles hates Meghan Markle, in a bombshell set off by Prince Harry in his memoir The Alternative, where the British prince said,

In his memoirs, which are due to be published this month, he says his father was jealous of his wife, Meghan Markle

Kate Middleton, wife of Britain's Prince William.

And the British news agency (BA Media) reported that it was reported that Harry was the reason for what his father supposedly said

He "has no money to spare" to financially support him and his wife, Megan, as King Charles III

He fears that the “new and brilliant” American actress will steal his spotlight.

Harry said in his highly anticipated "Spear" memoirs, which were accidentally released early in Spain, that his father had "been through this before and had no desire to allow it to happen again," an apparent reference to the late Princess Diana of Wales.

According to the Daily Telegraph, one of the outlets Informative Many that get a copy of the Spanish text

And translated, Harry said before his association with Meghan Markle mother He had brought up the subject of the actress's livelihood, and asked if she was planning

to continue working after their marriage.

And when Harry told his father, now king, that he didn't think so, Charles replied:

"Well, my dear son," said he, "you already know that we have no money to spare."

The book will be released on the tenth of January, written by author JR Moringer

According to a report by the British Daily Mail, although the official invitation has not yet been issued

To Prince Harry and Megan Markle to participate in the ceremony scheduled for next year, the sources of the newspaper confirmed that the king

He told his son and wife that they would be welcome at the party.


It seems that the King of Britain did not change his mind, even after he was criticized by the royal couple in the controversial documentary.

Reports say that King Charles III has decided to hold his official inauguration as king in the summer of next year 2023.

Experts consider that the ceremony will be an opportunity for Britain to exercise the soft power represented by the ruling family.

Voices were raised in Britain to strip Harry and Megan of their royal titles after the episodes of the documentary series were broadcast.

As a result of what they said was the harsh criticism he leveled against the royal family.

Prince Harry and his American wife, Megan Markle, left the royal family in Britain in 2020 because of what they said was

harassment they suffered.

Mixed reactions

Prince Harry escalated his attack on the royal family in the final episodes of the “Netflix” series.

Harry accused his brother, Prince William, of yelling at him and his father for saying untrue things during a family meeting.

Harry also accused his brother, William, of copying his father, the king's, methods of dealing with the media.

Meanwhile, Megan accused the family of preventing her from seeking help when she had suicidal thoughts.

As soon as the uproar of the first three episodes of the controversial series subsided, Netflix released 3 episodes

Others shed light on the major differences between the two arch-brothers, Harry and William, and between Harry and King Charles as well.

She continues to tell some of the secrets of the most famous palace in Britain and the world.

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