Tricks that men use to attract women

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The man adopts some tricks in order to attract the woman he likes, among the most prominent of these tricks and deceptions:

1- Body language:

The man attaches great importance to body language and adopts it in order to attract women, by focusing on the language of the eyes, the charming smile, the masculine stance, and controlling the movements of his body.

2- Perfume:

Perfume is of great importance in the process of attracting women, and a man who has mastered the art of attraction will carefully search for the most exciting perfume that a woman can only be attracted to.

3- Demonstrate his superiority over his surroundings:

The man tries to show the woman that he is the best of all, especially if he is accompanied by his friends or co-workers.

4- Friendship Show:

The woman believes in friendship between the man and her, but the man does not usually believe in it because he often has intentions to attract her, so he offers her friendship so that she can get to know him so that he can set her up.

5- Clothes:

Women care a lot about clothes and external appearance, so the man resorts to following a clothing style that does not resemble the styles of others to attract her attention, and this style is often close to the taste of the woman he wants to attract.

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