Trump mocks Joe Biden's stumble in a comic style

Former US President Donald Trump commented on bog down Behind him, Joe Biden, as he climbed the stairs of the presidential plane last Friday, Trump appeared yesterday in a video in which he said: “I watched Joe Biden go up the ladder of the plane, and I said I did not lose to him,” as he put it in the clip broadcast by the TikTok video site.

And the video of Biden tripping and falling 3 times while climbing the ladder of the plane, spread widely in the communication sites and the media, and the White House attributed the cause of the accident to strong winds, adding that the president feels he is in the best condition, although many considered what happened a new embarrassment during He climbed the stairs of flight number one, where he tripped 3 times and fell to his knees.

On boarding flight number one at the joint Andrios Air Force base to travel to the city of Atlanta for a meeting with the leaders of the local Asian communities, after a shooting incident in 3 massage parlors, his feet stumbled while climbing the stairs, but he managed to grab the edge of the ladder protection He continued walking, but his balance was disturbed a second and then a third until he fell to his knees, after which he quickly got up and went up the stairs before greeting him and entering the plane

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