
What are the therapeutic uses of camphor?

What are the therapeutic uses of camphor?

What are the therapeutic uses of camphor?

1. Cough

Camphor is used as an antitussive or as a cough suppressant. Camphor is an ancient remedy for chronic cough. The aromatic eucalyptus vapors can desensitize the receptor cells responsible for causing coughing and thus effectively treat the condition. This is why camphor is used as a main ingredient in many cough and cold remedies.

2. Nasal congestion

Camphor can help clear nasal congestion due to its strong scent. A study showed that inhaling camphor causes a feeling of coldness in the nasal area accompanied by an improvement in airflow.

3. Aches and pains

Camphor-based products are used as a dietary supplement to treat minor muscle pain. According to a study, turpentine in eucalyptus may help relieve pain by activating pain receptor cells and thus desensitizing them. Camphor also helps numb and cool nerves and promotes blood circulation to reduce muscle stiffness.

4. Head lice

Some studies talk about camphor as a topical anti-lice and scabies treatment. Camphor has a cooling effect or as a local anesthetic against itching when applied topically. It can help treat scalp dryness and itching, which are the two most annoying symptoms of head lice. The use of camphor as a topical lotion in pregnant women is safe for both the mother and the fetus.

5. Bronchitis

Camphor is useful in treating severe bronchitis. A study revealed that camphor is the main ingredient in popular remedies like Vicks vaporub or Petrolatum, and that it can help treat restlessness caused by acute bronchitis. Although camphor therapy cannot be considered the only treatment, it is highly effective in treating bronchitis.

6. Digestion and metabolism

According to a scientific study, camphor naturally produced from eucalyptus trees can help increase metabolism and improve digestion. But it should be taken in small quantities after consulting a medical expert.

7. Acne

Camphor is a cheap and effective way to treat acne and prevent it from spreading naturally. This is due to the anti-inflammatory property of camphor that helps reduce swelling and redness on the skin caused by acne.

8. Itching

Although itching seems to be a common condition, it can sometimes get worse when left untreated. Itching can be due to various causes such as sunburn, dry skin, cuts, insect bites, or infection. A study has shown that topical creams or lotions containing camphor or the camphor lotion itself can help provide a cooling effect on the skin, soothing and relieving symptoms, but care must be taken because large doses of it are toxic.

9. Arthritis

The results of a scientific study indicate that topical injections, which contain iodine, guaiacol and camphor dissolved in oil, can help treat inflammation, pain, and joint stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis. The analgesic and stimulating effects of turpentine in eucalyptus can help treat this painful chronic inflammatory disorder.

10. Hemorrhoids

Camphor can help relieve the burning sensation, pain, and inflammation of those with hemorrhoids due to its analgesic properties. Some studies say that camphor can help speed up the healing of hemorrhoids and provide relief.

11. Cracked heels

Cracked heels or feet are a common problem, but if not taken care of, they may interfere with lifestyle. Camphor or eucalyptus oil can help soothe cracked heels and promote cell reproduction to fill in the gaps. The reason is due to the anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and analgesic properties of this white, waxy compound. Camphor also helps treat calluses or muscle lumps on the soles of the feet.

12. Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome causes an uncomfortable sensation near the legs, throbbing, and an uncontrollable urge to move the legs during sleep. Restless legs can cause discomfort and sometimes affect a healthy sleep cycle. Camphor's healing and antispasmodic properties help relieve inflammation and reduce symptoms of restless leg syndrome.

Camphor side effects

• Experts advise not to take camphor orally because it causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache and muscle agitation, which leads to tremors and tremors, depending on the dose, which varies from person to person and according to the case. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted in all cases.
• When taken in a large dose, it can cause epileptic fits for several hours that may lead to coma and death due to suffocation or severe exhaustion.
• Eating camphor can lead to miscarriage if it reaches the fetus. But camphor can be inhaled or used topically by pregnant women.
• Some studies also indicate that young children should not take any doses of camphor, even very small ones, by mouth or massage topically because it can lead to seizures and death in the child.
• Applying eucalyptus oil to open wounds on the skin aggravates the pain.
• Camphor oil should not be left on the skin for a longer period, as it can harm the skin and cause more damage.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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