
What if we describe each tower frankly and bluntly?

What if we describe each tower frankly and bluntly?


He is poor in understanding and thinks he knows everything

the Bull 

He does not like to feel superior and stingy


He loves himself and his interests above all


He thinks he has a good heart and says it all the time, but he's not

the lion

Arrogant and loves appearances


He stands neutral in disputes and does not like to reconcile with others


He thinks he is the judge of everyone and loves theorizing

The scorpion

He has a share of his name

the bow

A mean person abandons people quickly


His head is a block of stones and he clings to the error


Curious, intrusive, and digs into people's privacy


It suggests to people that he is a sensitive lover, but he is a traitor and loves his own interest

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http://عشرة عادات خاطئة تؤدي إلى تساقط الشعر ابتعدي عنها

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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