Worst diet ever!!!

Diets, not all are the same, some of them have a negative impact on your body that exceeds the negative impact of obesity? Today we will together enumerate these famous diets so do not fall into the clutches of trying them.
1- Twinkie Diet

Let's get started. The Twinkie Diet protects you, the worst of all diets. For 10 weeks in 2010, a professor of nutrition at Kansas State University cut back on daily calories by eating most of the time Twinkie cookies, brownies, and other junk food. And he has already managed to lose 13 kg of weight. But this diet is crazy, even though it complies with the basic rule of weight loss which is to burn more calories than you eat regardless of the content of the diets. But the end does not always justify the means, as this type of diet leads to malnutrition and harms human health in the short and long term in general.

2- ear stapling

Some have promoted the idea of ​​inserting office pins in the ear in imitation of the method of Chinese acupuncture, but this behavior is very dangerous and achieves only negative results on all levels.

3- cotton balls

Some people have dipped some cotton balls into a glass of a drink and swallowed them, in order to fill the stomach, thus eating less food and losing weight. They were exposed to intestinal obstruction, and critical warnings were issued not to think about this at all, because it causes suffocation, intestinal obstruction, or poisoning with harmful chemicals, all of which lead to life.

4- apple cider vinegar

Some say they drink a little apple cider vinegar before meals to curb their appetite and burn fat, but there is little evidence to support this idea. They may be harmless in most cases, but they can stop insulin and some blood pressure medications from working in the right way for the body.

5- smoking

In the XNUMXs, a cult hit when a cigarette manufacturer touted that its products helped maintain a slim figure. Indeed, cigarette sales rose at the time, and the idea that smoking prevented snacking has persisted until now. There is no evidence to prove the validity of this idea or promotional rumor, but the constant is that smoking is a major cause of death.

6- tapeworm

The madness reached its peak when some people invented a tapeworm ingestion diet to take advantage of the side effects of infection, such as wasting and poor appetite. A tapeworm can live for up to 30 years in the human body, feeding on everything that enters its stomach. The danger is that the eggs of the tapeworm infect the patient with abscess and acute infections in the digestive system.

7- Caffeine diet

Drinking 4 liters of coffee a day can actually curb appetite and burn a few calories, but not lead to significant weight loss. Caffeine can lead to high blood pressure or stomach disease, as well as insomnia.

8- Baby food diet

There are several versions of this naive diet on the Internet. Some advise replacing one or two meals a day with children's meals and only eating traditional food for dinner. In most cases, this diet is generally weak, as the number of calories in children's food does not exceed 100 calories and does not contain enough nutrients that adults need. And it causes counterproductive results, as those who try this system suffer from overeating and gaining more weight.

9- Cabbage soup

This diet is relatively healthy, but eating cabbage soup two to three times a day and eating a few other foods puts the body in a state of starvation, and thus the body slows down the metabolism. The end result is deprivation, suffering, and failure to lose weight.

10- The biscuit diet

Tenth bad diets, its name is beyond its definition, so eating biscuits at first glance seems a good and simple thing, but it may be the same in a day or two, but its repetition causes distress, tension and nervousness. This diet also requires eating 9 biscuits, each containing 60 calories, in addition to one meal with no more than 500 to 700 calories per day. This system helps to reduce weight in the short term, but it suffers from fatigue, fatigue, fatigue, and the inability to carry out daily life easily, due to the severe lack of vitamins, minerals and calories that the body needs.

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