
Great and amazing benefits of sumac know it

Great and amazing benefits of sumac know it

1- Giving food a distinctive flavor, improving the taste, and opening the appetite, so it is added to food and industry; such as thyme, falafel, and seasoning for grilled chicken; To give acidity, it is also added to fresh onions to reduce its smell in the mouth.

2- Getting rid of the premature graying that appears in the hair when it is boiled and the hair is washed with it.

3- Treatment of fungi that may appear on the outer surface of the skin, when sumac peels are boiled and the outer skin is massaged with it, and it prevents itching.

4- Manufacture of astringent and hemorrhagic drugs; This is because it contains large amounts of blasting, and ointments for burns are also made from it. Because it is astringent for ulcers, and is antiseptic, sterile, and anti-inflammatory.

5- Manufacture of solutions treated for poisoning with heavy metals.

6- Treating earache, throat and mouth infections.

7- Treating digestive disorders, such as: chronic diarrhea, dysentery, eliminating nausea, yolk, and stomach tonic.

8- Treating respiratory problems related to the throat, by gargling with seeds, and this gargling is useful in getting rid of gum problems.

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http://عشرة عادات خاطئة تؤدي إلى تساقط الشعر ابتعدي عنها

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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