
How do you make the whole universe work for you?

The laws of the subconscious mind

How do you make the whole universe work for you?

We have to pay close attention to the laws of the subconscious mind because you can make them work against you or for you. The laws of the subconscious mind cannot be overridden or ignored just as we talk about the law of gravity, so you have to start from today using these laws for your benefit instead of working against you, and whenever you find negative thinking, do Cancel it and think positively.

The laws of the subconscious mind:

Law of Equal Thinking

Which means that the things you think about and from which you will see a lot will make you see exactly the same, if you think about happiness, you will find other things that remind you of happiness and so on, and this connects you to the third law, and that thinking is not a unit that makes a person feel happy, but rather a person’s feeling while reaching With his mind to the mental imagination in which a person believes that he is in another world and may prefer this world to the world in which we live.

law of attraction

Which means that anything you think about will be attracted to you and of the same kind, meaning that the mind works like a magnet. You do not know distances, times or places. For example, if you think of a person, even if he is thousands of miles away from you, your energy will reach him and return to you of the same type.

Correspondence Law

Which means that it is your inner world that affects the outer world, so if you program a person in a positive way, he finds that his outer world confirms to him what he thinks, and the same is true if you program in a negative way.

law of reflection

Which means that when the outside world comes back to you, it will affect your inner world. When a good word is directed at you, it will affect yourself and your reaction will be in the same way, so you respond to this person with a kind word as well, and this brings us to the sixth law.

Law of Focus (what you focus on you get)

Which means that anything you focus on will affect your judgment of things and thus your feeling and feelings. Now, if you focus, for example, on unhappiness, you will feel negative feelings and feelings, and your judgment on this thing will be negative. On the other hand, if you focus on happiness, you will feel positive feelings and feelings.

law of expectation

And who says that anything you expect and put with it your feelings and feelings will happen in your external world, and it is one of the most powerful laws, because anything you expect and put with it your feelings and feelings will work to send vibrations containing energy that will return to you again and of the same kind. You will fail the exam and you will find yourself unable to think and unable to answer questions and so on, so you have to pay close attention to what you expect because there is a very high possibility that it will happen in your life.

belief law

And the one who says that anything you think has happened and you repeat it more than once and put with it your feelings and feelings will be programmed in a very deep place in the subconscious mind, as if he has a belief that he is the most unfortunate person in the world, then he finds that this belief is coming out of him and without feeling and automatically to judge after that. Your behavior and actions, and this belief can not be changed except by changing the basic thinking that led you to this belief.

Law of Accumulation

And the one who says that anything you think about more than once and rethink it in the same way and in the same way will accumulate in the subconscious mind, as if someone thinks himself psychologically tired and starts thinking about this matter and then comes back the next day and says to himself I am psychologically tired and the same is the case the next day, This thing accumulates for him day after day, as well as someone who thinks in a negative way, and this thinking begins to accumulate for him and each time it becomes more negative than the previous time, and so on.

Habits Law

What we repeat constantly accumulates day after day, as we said before, until it turns into a permanent habit, where it is easy to acquire a habit, but it is difficult to get rid of it, but the mind that has learned this habit can get rid of it in the same way.

The law of action and reaction

Any cause will have an inevitable result, and when you repeat the same reason, you will definitely get the same result, meaning that the result cannot change unless the cause changes. We mention here a saying that it is wrong to try to solve your problems in the same way that created this problem, for example, you As long as you think in a negative way, you will remain miserable and you will not be happy as long as you think in this way. The result cannot change unless the cause changes.

law of substitution

You can take any of these laws and replace them with another way of positive thinking. For example, if you were talking to a friend about someone and you said that he is a negative person, do you know what you did?! You are thus sending him vibrations and energy that makes him act in a way you want to see, and therefore when this person behaves in a negative way you say: Did you see he acted in a negative way, but you made him act in this way.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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