
What is the best natural remedy for depression?

And according to what was published by the “Washington Post,” scientists from Boston University and the University of Virginia indicated that exercise has been classified as better than treatment with psychiatric medications, which may cause side effects, despite its positive effectiveness on the patient, as sometimes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Depression has side effects such as poor vision and anxiety at night, as well as weight gain and decreased libido.

Aerobic exercise includes weightlifting, yoga or swimming, as well as walking and running regularly.

Exercise also has other health benefits, as it helps reduce blood pressure, stimulate blood circulation and brain work, in addition to improving sleep quality and regulating blood sugar, which prompted researchers to give an example about exercise: “Imagine if all the previous benefits had met In one pill, how effective and exceptional would that little pill be?”

At the end of the study, the scientists noted the need for psychiatrists to encourage their patients to engage in exercise on a regular basis, as it is an essential and effective medical weapon in combating anxiety and depression.

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