
Sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease

10 sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease

wheezing lungs
Joint friction and pain
nose whistling
whistling sound in ears
Frequent hiccups
Belly gurgling sound
jaw sounds
ringing in the ears
gnashing of teeth

Here are the causes and detailed treatments

Many doctors and specialists agree on the body’s ability to send signals to its owner and warning signs of the risk of developing diseases that appear immediately after infection.

We review the following 10 signs secreted by the body as a warning of various pathological infections, which require examination and follow-up with a doctor.

1- Lungs wheezing:
Wheezing is also associated with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, called chronic bronchitis or COPO.

Asthma or Asthma is the most common obstructive lung disease in children and adolescents. This disease becomes more prevalent over the years. Asthma wheezing is caused by a muscle contraction in the wall of the small airways in the lungs. The production of a large amount of phlegm is also one of the causes of shortness of breath, and can make it more difficult to exhale air.

An asthma attack may be caused by pollution, stress, cold air, air pollution or exposure to an allergen. Common allergens include: dust, flower pollen, mold, food and animal fur. Wheezing can also occur after an insect bite or the use of a certain medication. However, there are, in general, no clear causes for an asthma attack

The sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease, I'm Salwa

2- Joint friction and pain:

Many people, especially the elderly, suffer from knee disease, as this patella poses an obstacle during movement and during the practice of normal daily activities for the elderly in particular, as with the increase in the average age of the individual, diseases resulting from aging appear and people’s consumption of the organs in the body cartilage and bone.

Knee friction results in people who suffer from erosion of the cartilage that separates the bones of the knee joint, where the knee joint consists of the end of the thigh bone with its convergence at the beginning of the shin bone and separated by cartilage in the form of a white substance with tissue that works to prevent friction, and there are two crescent cartilages and ligaments surrounding In the knee joint, the friction of the knee that takes the form of pain or crackling in the knee or a crackling sound in the knee results from the wear or the beginning of the wear of the knee cartilage, which forms a white tissue that separates the bones of the joint and envelops them.

The sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease, I'm Salwa
We can treat knee friction in several ways:

Comfort for the joint: By resting the joint and reducing the pain caused by the joint, we can stop the friction, even for a temporary period.
Applying ice packs: We can put ice packs on the knee for a period ranging from a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes to relieve pain and comfort the knee.
Use of analgesics: We can use analgesics to relieve pain by taking Panadol or taking an injection of Voltaren.
Knee massage: We can make a gentle knee massage by applying Voltaren cream on the knee, which will relieve pain.
You have to exercise: There are special exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee joint, so you have to exercise regularly.
You have to reduce the weight as much as possible: being overweight puts a lot of pressure on the joints and increases the friction in the knee joint.
Avoid injury to the joint and avoid random movements and excessive movement of the joint: the joint injury is the result of practicing dangerous sports such as boxing and wrestling or any injury to the person in the knee area. You have to be careful and avoid any injury

3- Nose whistling:

Treatment of allergic rhinitis includes avoiding hypersensitive factors in addition to drug therapy to relieve symptoms, including: - Steroid drugs. Antihistamine drugs. Nasal decongestant medications. Nasal spray that relieves symptoms by inhibiting the release of histamine

4- A whistling sound in the ears:

Causes of wheezing

Including what is related to the outer ear: it results from the accumulation of mucus in the outer ear, which blocks the human hearing. This problem can be eliminated by washing the ear at the doctor and removing the excess glue that the ear needs to restore the normal hearing
Reasons related to the middle ear: the most important of which are middle ear infections, perforation of the inner eardrum, fluid accumulation in the middle ear, as well as calcification of the base of the great stapes located inside the middle ear, in addition to the presence of tumors within the vascular middle ear.
Causes related to the inner ear: such as Meniere's disease, which is tinnitus accompanied by dizziness and poor hearing, and a feeling of fluid filling in the ear.
Loud and continuous noises for a long time, such as those found in factories and laboratories, loudspeakers or the sounds of explosions in wars and the like, because these factors lead to damage to the auditory cells that receive sounds inside the ear
Taking some medical drugs harmful to the ear: such as some antibiotics, diuretics, aspirin and some anti-tumors
Causes related to neurological diseases: such as cerebellar tumors and some acoustic neuromas.
Aging: As tinnitus is one of the diseases associated with aging
If you exclude all of the previous causes, then this means that the tinnitus is caused by a central nervous disorder

The sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease, I'm Salwa

5 - Frequent hiccups:

Types of hiccups

There are several types of hiccups, including:

Transient hiccups: They may last for a maximum of 48 hours.
Persistent hiccups: These last more than 48 hours, and less than a month.
Recalcitrant hiccup: This is the hiccup that lasts for two consecutive months.

The hiccups that occur for a certain short period are common and do not need medical examinations, but if they last more than 24 hours, a doctor should be visited, and if they continue during a person’s sleep, this suggests that he has a problem that is organic and not psychological, and he must visit the doctor to find out the reasons that lead to its occurrence.

Tips to get rid of hiccups

To get rid of hiccups, you must follow several tips, including:

Inhale the air through the nose as much as possible, and keep the mouth closed.
Drink large amounts of water continuously until the hiccups stop.
Breathe in a paper bag frequently.
Put a spoonful of honey under the tongue, or of sugar, and leave it to dissolve.
bring the thighs to the abdomen; To return the diaphragm to its normal position

6- The sound of the belly gurgling:

Abdominal sounds symptoms:

When these symptoms appear with abdominal sounds, they often indicate a disease, and these symptoms include the following:

Excess gases.
nausea .
Frequent diarrhea.
bloody stool
Heartburn and heartburn.
sudden weight loss
Feeling of fullness in the stomach.
As soon as any of these symptoms appear, you must contact your doctor to obtain urgent medical care and avoid any complications

The sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease, I'm Salwa

7- Jaw sounds:

Causes of jaw cracking
During chewing:

* Jaw trauma.
* Grinding or pressing the teeth.
* Sliding jaw joint.
* Jaw joint inflammation.
Or without chewing, such as psychological pressures that make the injured put pressure on the muscles of the jaw and face.

The sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease, I'm Salwa

8 - Ringing in the ears:

The audible noise may vary in intensity and you may hear it in one or both ears. In some cases, the sound can be so loud that it interferes with your ability to focus or hear the actual sound. The tinnitus may be continuous or it may come and go.

There are two types:

subjective resonance:
You are the only one who hears it and it is the most common type.

It may be due to problems in the ear or due to the auditory nerves or the part of the brain responsible for auditory signals.

External tone:
Your doctor hears it when he does the exam

This is a rare type that may be caused by a problem with the blood vessels or the bones of the ear.

Common causes:

Age-related tinnitus
Hearing problems worsen with age, and usually begin around age 60. It can cause hearing loss and tinnitus. The medical term for this type of hearing loss is presbyopia.

Exposure to loud noises:
Hear loud noises like those from heavy equipment,

Portable music devices such as MP3 players or iPods can also cause tinnitus associated with hearing loss

If played out loud for long periods.

Tinnitus caused by short-term exposure, such as attending a loud concert, usually goes away quickly

Long-term exposure to loud sound can cause permanent damage.

Wax blockage:

Earwax protects the ear canal from dirt and bacteria. When too much earwax builds up it becomes difficult to wash out normally causing hearing loss or irritation of the eardrum which can lead to tinnitus.

Change in the bones of the ear:
Bone spasm in the middle ear may affect hearing and cause tinnitus.

The sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease, I'm Salwa

9 - gnashing of teeth:

Although this condition occurs as a result of exposure to anxiety and severe psychological stress, it is often the main cause of missing a tooth, having a crooked tooth, or misalignment of the jaws, and since the chattering of the teeth usually occurs during sleep, many do not know that they are doing it, However, there are symptoms that indicate, significantly, that the person is doing it, including: continuous headache and jaw pain. It is reported that many discover that they are chattering their teeth through those who share the bedroom with them, because the chatter makes an audible squeaking sound. It is reported that whoever is suspected of clenching his teeth should see a dentist.
If the grinding of the teeth continues for a long time, it may lead to a fracture, loosening or loss of part of the tooth. It is also mentioned that it may cause the teeth to wear out from their roots, which may lead to the need to make a dental bridge, or crown the tooth with an artificial crown, or open a tunnel in the root of the tooth, or put a partial or complete denture. The damages of dental friction are not limited to the teeth only, but may include harm to the jaw bones or a change in the shape of the face.

10 - Snoring

The process of snoring is not only a noise problem, but sometimes it may be accompanied by what is called sleep apnea, which may reach 10 seconds or more, and during this interruption the snoring stops and then returns again with the return of breathing, and it usually comes out during inhalation.

The sounds your body makes to warn you that you have a disease, I'm Salwa

The causes of snoring vary according to the age group:
In children:

It may be the result of congenital defects such as: obstruction of the back opening of the nose on one side
Or as a result of an enlarged diet or tonsils, which makes the child breathe through his mouth without his nose, causing vibrations in the roof of the mouth or throat, causing the sound of snoring.
It may be due to several other reasons, including:

As a result of inhaling air or breathing through the mouth abnormally “oral inhalation.”
As a result of narrowing of the nose as a blockage or deviation in the nasal septum, or enlargement of the nasal turbines (nasal snoring)
General snoring: as a result of bad habits followed by a person or general reasons such as obesity, for example, leading to an increase in the size of the neck, or as a result of an increase in the size of the tonsils or adenoids.

Obesity is the most common cause of snoring in adults because it leads to swelling of some of the parts of the air passage that are known as the roof of the soft palate and the uvula. In children, the most common reason is the enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids.
Airway obstruction symptoms
Snoring may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea (the main problem)
Feeling sluggish and heavy sleeping during the day.
Headache when waking up.
Loss of focus and forgetfulness.
It may be associated with high blood pressure.
Involuntary urination in children.

Complications of snoring:
Personality changes.
The most important of which are family problems such as divorce.
How can snoring be treated?
The first path to treatment is to find out the cause of the disease, so there are two types of treatment:

Medical treatment for snoring:

Getting rid of obesity.
Stay away from alcohol, smoking and sedatives.
Changing the sleeping position: Because sleeping on the back increases the situation, the person must sleep on the side.
Opening the breathing passages in the nose.
In some cases, the patient is given some medication to solve this problem.

Surgical treatment of snoring:

By performing one of the following operations:

Excision of adenoids and tonsils during hypertrophy.
In the case of deviation of the nasal septum being plastic surgery to modify it.
The optimal treatment is surgical treatment in the place of obstruction, whether in the nose or the oropharynx, through some safe and uncomplicated operations.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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