
Constant fatigue may threaten your life

Constant fatigue may threaten your life

Constant fatigue may threaten your life

A Russian health expert has warned that stress causes high blood pressure, which leads to myocardial infarction and stroke.

According to what was reported by the Russian media, Dr. Yaroslav Ashikhmin, a specialist in cardiovascular diseases, pointed out that chronic stress negatively affects the heart, blood vessels and even the immune system. He explained that stress that lasts for several days causes high blood pressure.

He added, “We used to think that only acute stress was dangerous for the heart. But it turns out that chronic stress has a disastrous effect on health. Because it is due to high blood pressure level. We are not well adapted to live in conditions of constant stress, but we tolerate acute stress followed by a period of rest.”

He said that a high level of blood pressure "undermines" the body's organs from the inside, and can lead to circulatory disorders, such as myocardial infarction or stroke.

He added: “One of the consequences of high blood pressure is myocardial infarction or stroke. Because high blood pressure undermines healthy body organs from within, it damages the brain, causing memory impairment and decreased cognitive functions. It also affects the condition of the fundus of the eye.”

The Russian doctor advised everyone who suffers from stress to monitor their blood pressure level regularly, to avoid problems associated with it. If the blood pressure level is 135/85 at home, it indicates a high blood pressure level, so you should see a doctor.

He advised that to overcome stress, you can practice breathing exercises and not get excited with everything that is going on, support relatives and follow an organized daily routine.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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