
After he gave up on you, destroy him!!!!

A man thinks that the woman who loves him will love him forever, especially if she showed you all that love and had no such feelings for her.

He will master to torment her in order to abandon her, like a child who abandoned a doll without taking into account her broken feelings and broken heart, so as not to allow that wretched child in the body of a man who is not manly in anything to destroy you, and satisfy his vanity and narcissism, destroy him, and not in a cheap way like his childish style Empty of emotion and love.

Promise yourself that you won't get used to it

With the decision not to return, you have to give yourself space to feel sad and cry, in order to breathe and feel that there is no suffocation and that a load is starting to disappear from your chest.

Give yourself a recovery

Then allow time to do its job in healing, as well as the importance of surrounding yourself with friends and family that play an essential, important and essential role in helping you get up again.


And when you pass this stage, which you should not witness any communication process at all on the partner, try to hide from him or not know his news or investigate him, for what is absent from the eye is absent from the heart, as it is said.

Now, after all this, I shine like a star in the September sky that everyone sees and dreams of

With the passing of this difficult period of time, you have to revitalize yourself, by restoring the confidence in yourself that naturally jiggled after the separation process and knowing what you really want in life and what makes you happy. Therefore, you have to focus on your professional and social life in order to build it in a correct way that will benefit you, especially on the moral level, so you will feel the delicious taste of success and the strength will return to your personality that will crystallize without realizing it, to transform little by little into a strong and successful woman that everyone desires.

Pass it as a funny memory in your life

And as you reach this stage, the past becomes just a beautiful story and a bitter experience that passed in your life that taught you a lot and allowed you to focus on yourself, especially that you are not selfish but you are a strong woman who challenged herself and won the challenge and therefore you have to feel proud of yourself, especially since every man wants you .

And as you turn the page of the past, you are really taking revenge on the former partner in a strong way, when he sees how far you have advanced in his absence and how much you don't need him, his ego will be shaken and thus you will deal a fatal blow to him and expect him to try to come back to you.

And here, the real revenge is when you feel that the partner has become just a stranger, and he will return to his knees to you, but it is too late.

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