
Astrological forecast for Sagittarius 2021

Astrological forecast for Sagittarius 2021


Year of travel, contracts, study and family
You had a lot of opportunities and relationships in 2020, but you didn't take advantage of it properly or maybe you didn't have luck, especially in financial matters.

You enter the year 2021 with positive, supportive matters and news that concerns you personally. Changes can start from now on. You will find many opportunities this year to change and improve your situation. The areas will be open to you to achieve success and excellence and to graduate from a year that has consumed you a lot of energy and effort. You were not lucky in the year The past to bring this year the changes you want.
This year you have a lot of moves, changes and travel according to the work of each person, and if you have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, your affairs will be.
It is considered one of the best years after two years of pressure. Be sure that Faraj is close to succeed and achieve your ambitions, and be highly convincing and social, especially until the fifth month of 2021.
Your personality and social position open new doors for you to meet important people, new people, and a new environment that is better for you.

The period between the fifth and eighth month, there are family matters and changes in your family situation that need a lot of consideration and attention well, keep calm so that you do not fall into problems that you are indispensable.


You have to make an effort this year to get money, and since the planet of luck Jupiter supports matters of buying and selling, real estate, trade and stock exchanges... your financial return may often come from these things.

It is possible that you receive a good amount of money or compensation that you have been waiting for for a long time, and this will help you financial stability to be in your best financial condition.
The best months for the first, fourth and sixth money.


This does not accept compromise. Either a good situation or a very bad situation, major problems or major settlements. There are important times for you this year for connection, reconciliation and emotional passion, and it brings you times of entertainment and fun and an unusual improvement in your psychological state.

Advice for you this year: Give up tiring relationships that have caused you a lot of trouble and create new ground for yourself in order to make major changes.

The XNUMXrd, XNUMXth and XNUMXth months are the best emotionally
Best emotional partner this year Aries Gemini


You may see yourself that a quick change in health and taking care of yourself is necessary. You will find yourself forced to give up many bad health habits and change your diet. You may even find yourself in need of a radical change in your lifestyle, even in the way you dress.

Unusually organized and arranged, we find you limit your craving for food and succeed in that.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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