celebrity weddings

Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding and strange facts about the organization

Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding must have been one of the most important royal weddings throughout history and the most successful of all the details, but before that there are little facts about this wedding that you don't know

The love story that brought the prince and Kate Middleton together is not ordinary

she met Kate with Prince William while they were studying at the University of St Andrews, and the media reported their relationship. On November 16, 2010, it was announced that their engagement took place in October of 2010, while they were spending a private holiday in Kenya.
The wedding ceremony took place on April 29, 2011. Queen Elizabeth II awarded her with her husband Prince William the title of Duchess of Cambridge.

For this occasion, today we recall 5 things that the press wrote about Kate and William's wedding:
*dress Kate Middleton and his high-end embroidery

Kate Middleton's wedding dress and ten secrets you didn't know about him

French embroidery specialist Sophie Hallet has been appointed to design the lacework Middleton wedding dress. The Hallet family's piercing craft spans a century and a quarter and has adorned countless fine collections, from Givenchy to Christian Dior and Valentino.
Prince Harry's wedding Kate Middleton

Joe Malone Abbey Perfume “Westminster”
Middleton wanted to use the smartest perfume she had on her wedding day. That's why I hired perfumer Joe Malone to do this job. Among the fragrance combinations the Duchess chose were orange, grapefruit, lime, basil and tangerine, embodied in the form of candles, all placed along the site during the wedding.

The race to take the official wedding photo
Event photographer Hugo Borna not only had to cycle from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace after the wedding, but only had 26 minutes to capture the life-long photo. In order to avoid crowds and arrive on time for the royal photo shoot, ride Burna and his team ride their bikes on the streets of London. After feeling a lot of pressure to get the right photo in less than half an hour, Borna snapped the official wedding photo just minutes before the deadline expired.

Prince Harry's wedding Kate Middleton
*Stranger in the hands of a maidservant

Few noticed the cute creature in the hands of one of the bridesmaids, Elisa Lopez, as she posed for the official royal family photo. The girl, the granddaughter of "Camilla Parker Boyles", was so afraid of the crowds in London that Prince Harry gave her a pink "shaking worm" to calm her down. I grabbed onto the game during a photo session, and that moment was documented.
*A la carte grocery list for honeymoon
Middleton and Prince William made sure their fridge was well packed when they arrived in the Seychelles. Among their exotic choices, they ordered Brussels sprouts, granny apple, Philadelphia cheese, quail eggs and beef. Given this strange menu, we hope a professional has been assigned the task of cooking for them.

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