
Wonderful rules for psychological comfort

Wonderful rules for psychological comfort

The law of psychological comfort

Withdrawing from chaos is invaluable

Mental Intelligence Law

Ignoring everyone returns to their normal size, no matter what..

dispensation law

Not everything you dispense with is a loss, some things are a better start.

self development law

Find a place for you at the top, at the bottom it is very crowded..

The law of self-affirmation

Every once in a while, update your rules and style to make it clear and unique to everyone

Law of Excellence

To create in style while you are at the top of relaxation and everyone imitates you

challenge law

That there is a place for you among the adults, and it is recognized..

time management law

Be like a ship that walks between waves with science and knowledge

law of goals

A life without a purpose is like a body without a soul, both have no value

Law of Consciousness

If you don't realize your mistakes, you won't learn right.

Learning Law

If you do not suffer, you will not learn.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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