
All you need to know about the Chinese horse horoscope

The Horse loves life, has a lot of sex appeal, is charming, intelligent and popular, hardworking, stubborn, but loyal. He is manipulative, and is always keen to hear other people's opinions. Love and social contact are important to him. Let's get to know more about the personal profile of a horse born on the emotional, professional, familial, health and personal levels.

General information about the new born horse

He is an independent, cheerful person who loves to share the joys of others. On the other hand, he is a stubborn person and when he loses his mind, he acts without thinking. The order of the horse among the Chinese zodiac is 7, and its planet is Mercury, and its lucky stone is beryl, and its best partner is the dog, and the worst is the mouse. The color of the horse is red, a symbol of luck, happiness and strength. The lunar sign equivalent to the Horse is Gemini, and its season is midsummer.
The years of the horse sign are 1906, 1930, 1918, 1942, 1966, 1954, 1978, 1990, 2002.

Horses are energetic, always alert, independent, and adventurous, yet they are quick to anger.
A newborn horse needs its independence and freedom, as it is always full of energy and vitality, and therefore it is always on the move and travels from one activity to another.
Horses have intelligence and a strong presence. They always like to brag and show off in front of others.
Horses have a personality that is completely impatient, they are expected to be impulsive, and they may be dulled in feelings and feelings towards the feelings of others.

Love and Relationships: Love in a Horse's Life

The horse sign is very happy with love stories, and loves the initial flame of the new emotional relationship, takes some time to be able to look at the relationship seriously, the horse can be possessed and attracted to love with tenderness, tenderness and kindness. The ideal partner for a horse born must always reassure his heart, encourage him, and understand his needs, especially in those times when he wants to be alone.
The Horse sign is a good partner, but freedom and stubbornness often destroy the relationships that he forms, and the Horse sign wants that love that can lead him to spiritual advancement, and he is a person who is skilled in the art of seduction, but he may escape in the midst of his emotional relationships without warning. .

Family and friends: the influence of family and friends on the horse sign

The horse can always make many friends thanks to his constant desire to travel and travel, but his stubbornness, impatience, and dull feelings and feelings make him face many problems in his relations with his family and friends, despite the activity of the horse and his travel and constant movement and contact with many people. However, he is a failure in his social relations, as he is not good at dealing with others, does not listen to them, and does not bother to contribute to solving their problems.

Profession and money: the sign of the horse, his career and financial capabilities

Horses succeed in commerce, entrepreneurship, public relations, and tourism. Horses are very successful in the professions they choose for themselves. They prefer to focus on specific goals in order to succeed in their work. The Horse always works hard and maintains fun and joy even in critical work times, which may be due to the dullness of his feelings and feelings. The Horse is good at organizing his financial affairs.

Horse health

A horse is always neglectful in health matters, which may make it vulnerable to many diseases, and it exhausts itself a lot at work and does not get great rest times, which may make its body vulnerable to fatigue and stress.


Attractive, energetic, witty, independent, cheerful, confident, tactful


anxious, bold, exaggerated, selfish, fickle, impatient, reckless

What works for those born under this sign are:

It suits him with self-employment, public relations, tourism and commerce. The horse succeeds better in the professions he chooses himself. The horse prefers to work on one track and focus on a specific goal each time, in order to give each step its due. The known is preferred over the unknown. He works hard and maintains an atmosphere of fun even in critical times. He enjoys apparent physical and mental health. Doctors, politicians, painters, poets, skilled drivers, skilled workers, political leaders, writers, leaders of major gangs, athletes, technicians, administrators, inventors, salespeople, journalists, pub owners, tour guides. .

lucky numbers:

1, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 41 and 43



gemstone :


Equivalent West Tower:


This sign is more compatible with:


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