
How do you get rid of electricity in your body?

Many suffer from excess electricity in their bodies, which is due to a defect in the distribution of electricity in the body resulting from the brain, and is caused by genetics, epilepsy, or weather changes, and often causes inconvenience and embarrassment for those who suffer from it.

Walking barefoot on the ground or beach sand to discharge electrical charges in the ground, as they contain negative charges.

Doing light sports movements for people who use a computer a lot, as they can move the arms up to discharge the excess electrical charges.

Prolonging the period of prostration during prayer, placing the forehead on the ground in the direction of the qiblah greatly discharges the excess electrical charges from the body.

Make a body massage using salt and warm water.

Wearing a magnetic bracelet that regulates the electrical charges in the body and rid it of excess.

Metal pieces can be implanted in the teeth that absorb excess charges in the body.

Taking medicines and drugs under the supervision of a specialist doctor to get rid of excess body electricity.

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