
Why do attraction techniques not work with some people?

Why do we attract the wrong things and people into our lives?

Why do attraction techniques not work with some people? 

TheWhy do attraction techniques not work with some people?

Before we work to attract any goal, we must clean our auras and energies

Aura cleaning 

There is a physical area around your body called the aura that holds all the thoughts, situations, and memories from the time the soul was breathed into you until this moment. Whenever you are exposed to a painful situation, problems, sins, low feelings, constant rebuke, sadness, fear, whenever it contributes to creating blocks and pollution in the vicinity of your aura.
This pollution accumulates over the years and causes a barrier between you and achieving your goal and contributes to your constant exposure to diseases

The more your aura is polluted, the more you feel upset and anxious for no reason and you suffer difficulties in achieving your goals. This explains to us why sometimes we feel comfortable with some people or feel uncomfortable around them. If your aura is clean, you will be repulsed by those with polluted auras, and they get along with each other. Birds of all kinds will fall.

We are all exposed to constant pollution, i.e. a low feeling caused by pollution from the electrical appliances around us, stressful relationships, eating through which we feel remorseful for sins such as: lying, backbiting, gossiping, slander, envy, mistrust, anything that harms others. Make sure that it has a severe impact on you. negative.

When we work to gradually clean our aura, our feelings begin to rise and balance, as if you see life in a new way. The more clean your aura is, the more you feel peace, harmony, love, and comfort. All low feelings become temporary feelings that quickly end because they do not match your clean frequency.
She begins to attract people who are compatible with her, and attracts beautiful situations, goals, and elegant love stories
Cleaning with salt

The most powerful cleanser for the aura and chakras is coarse sea or rock salt. Place it in bath water and massage, especially the areas of the chakras, for at least 10 minutes. It breaks up the pollution and negative energies stored in your bodies from the effects of negative relationships or memories. Continue with it for at least a month.

Obstacles to the law of attraction

Things don't come to life if you think against them
If you want money, don't think about poverty
If you want health, do not think about illness
If you want success, do not think about failure and failure

By not thanking God and being grateful to Him for everything He has bestowed upon us, we are against nature and its laws and therefore do not respond to us. Be open to God’s creation and creativity to achieve for yourself satisfaction and happiness for the prosperity of the universe.

Your internal dialogue with yourself, your self-esteem towards yourself, your self-respect and self-forgiveness, love yourself so that you can love others, and give respect, appreciation, kindness and affection to yourself so that you can give it to others.

Free your energy from all negativity, make your nature the one in control of your life’s affairs, and carry all feelings of goodness, love, beauty, and kindness towards everyone until you are sure of your intention for things to happen. How to apply the Law of Attraction easily.
Anything you want in this life, whatever that thing is, whether it is something material or an emotional relationship
Or an amount of money
Or good health condition
Or a better social rank?
Anything no matter what
You want it because you believe that when you get it you will feel something
This answer is true for all people and in all cases without exception
That is, you are waiting for your goal to be achieved so that your dissatisfaction can be changed into contentment and your misery into happiness

But unfortunately things never go that way.
In order to get what you want
You must be emotionally compatible with him
You and everything in this universe are undulating energy with different vibrations, so your world is a vibrational world, and feelings of all kinds are energy vibrations with different frequencies, and since the universe is based on the law of attraction, which is its greatest law, like will always attract like, and high-frequency feelings will attract like, and vice versa.

It is that you must be in a good emotional state in order to attract what you want, and that continuing with the same thinking and the same negative feelings will give you the same “hesitation” and therefore the same life line. Everything that happened to you in your life, every experience, every relationship, is only a mirror of your previous patterns of thinking and feelings.
So what is the price I must pay to achieve what I desire?
Simply make yourself happy with your thinking, regardless of the surrounding circumstances, and you will notice that everything will automatically and gradually become better as you begin to receive your desires one by one.

When does the law of attraction happen and how?
It is achieved when you give up your resistance towards it, and this may take a day, a month, a year, or ten years, depending on the person and his certainty of attraction. Every intention is fulfilled as long as it is not obstructed, and what obstructs the intention are three things.
As for skepticism about its verification
Or paying attention and focusing on the unwanted reality and feeding it with attention and feelings
Or opposite intentions

In order to get what I want, I must be emotionally compatible with it
How can I be compatible with him?
With gratitude, you are compatible with it by ensuring that the frequencies emanating from your being are compatible with the frequencies of what you want and not the opposite. In general, the frequencies emanating from positive emotions such as happiness, love, gratitude, and joy are high and thus attract similar goodness, abundance, and happiness. As for negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, fear, or despair. Or jealousy, attachment, hatred, anger, etc., they have very low frequencies and attract similar problems, obstacles, and obstacles in life.

The secret of the law of attraction

All unbalanced emotions or exaggerated reactions:
Such as sadness, anxiety, resentment, excitement, despair, fear, pity, attachment, lust, tenderness, idealism, slavery, disappointment, pride, contempt, aversion, hatred, etc., are the result of exaltation. The importance of things and giving them more than their size

Look at the things you want as already yours and know that they will come to you when needed. Do not worry or feel sad about them and do not think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours and they belong to you.
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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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