
What is absolute love and how is it?

What is absolute love and how is it?

Absolute love is the love that is not related to circumstances, conditions or specific qualities that you are looking for, it is to contain the other party with its positives and negatives and not to reject the bad things for you in it. With his advantages only, and you like to change his flaws, criticize them, or object to them, this is called conditional love:

Absolute love negates all the needs of conditional love, which are: 

physiological needs

 Where a person is attracted to certain physical characteristics, such as height, weight, eye color..... 

material needs

Paying attention to the physical condition, such as the closeness of a standard of living, or to be in a luxurious financial condition.

intellectual needs

Some people do not accept the presence of certain ideas in the partner, such as the non-acceptance of some groups to be associated with a person who differs in religion, or the ideas that a person thinks.

behavioral needs

 Like some behaviors in the other person, such as smoking...

health needs

 Some people may not accept the party who does not have children or suffers from some health disorders. 

psychological needs

 Some personalities do not converge with others, for example, it may not be possible to live between a realistic and another realistic character, because this does not meet the psychological needs, or vice versa.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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