
What are the characteristics that mosquitoes desire?

What are the characteristics that mosquitoes desire?

What are the characteristics that mosquitoes desire?

Contrary to what some may believe, mosquitoes do not bite humans in order to obtain food, as they feed on plant nectar, but rather bite female mosquitoes only for the purpose of receiving proteins from human blood that are needed to develop their eggs, according to what was published by CNET.


There are many factors that affect why some people are bitten by mosquitoes more than others, including:

1- the color of the clothes
Mosquitoes are highly visual hunters, which means clothing colors can help make it easier for mosquitoes to catch human prey, as some research has shown that mosquitoes are more attracted to black and red.

2- carbon dioxide

Just as mosquitoes use sight, smell is another reliable way to find hosts for bites, and mosquitoes can smell humans through the carbon dioxide released when they breathe.

According to research published in the journal Chemical Senses, mosquitoes use an organ called the maxillary palpation to detect carbon dioxide, and they can sense it from 164 feet away.

Because carbon dioxide is such a big attraction, people who emit more, ie those who are larger and people who breathe heavily while exercising or dancing outdoors, are more attractive to mosquitoes.

3- The smell of sweat

Mosquitoes are also attracted to substances and compounds more than just carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes can attack specific people by smelling secretions on their bodies such as sweat, lactic acid, uric acid, and ammonia.

Researchers are still studying why some body odors are more attractive to mosquitoes, but so far they know that genes, bacteria on the skin, and exercise all play a factor.

Genetic factors also affect the amount of uric acid released by some people, while exercise increases lactic acid buildup.

4- blood type

There is also a common belief that mosquitoes are attracted to certain types of blood, bearing in mind that mosquitoes bite humans for their blood. Blood type is determined by genetics, and each blood type is created based on different combinations of specific proteins, called antigens. On the surface of red blood cells, there are four main types A, B, AB and O.

Although there are no firm conclusions about which blood type is most attractive to mosquitoes, several studies have indicated that people with type O blood are the most appetizing to mosquitoes.

A 2019 study observed the feeding behavior of mosquitoes when presented with different blood type samples, and it was found that mosquitoes tended to feed type O blood more than any other type.

A 2004 study also found that mosquitoes land on group O secretions by 83.3%, which is much more than group A secretions, which is estimated at 46.5%.

But the results of those studies are not definitive, and there is still a lot of talk about mosquito preferences when it comes to blood type.

From spots to bruises

Mosquito bites can range in size from just small patches to large bruises, and the size and severity of the bite is related to how each person's immune system responds to saliva, which the mosquito enters at the bite.

When mosquitoes bite, they inject some saliva when blood is drawn, and this saliva contains some anticoagulants and proteins, which stimulates the immune system to respond to these foreign substances.

The human body responds by releasing histamine, a chemical released by white blood cells when the immune system fights an allergen, causing itching and stinging.

Prevention and treatment of mosquito bites

Some common ways to prevent mosquito bites include:
• Use insect repellents and sprays
• Using natural insecticides, such as neem oil and thyme oil
• Avoid going out at dawn or dusk
• Avoid dark-coloured clothing, especially black
• Elimination of stagnant water near homes
• Using windows or doors of light wire or curtains called “mosquito net”

Although mosquito bites are annoying, they are often not severe and will go away within a few days. In the meantime, there are several treatments to relieve itching and inflammation:

• Cleaning with medical alcohol if the bite is recent
Use of over-the-counter antihistamines
• Applying mild corticosteroid creams
• Using aloe vera to reduce inflammation
• Use cold compresses

Although this advice is difficult to do, you can try as much as possible not to scratch the sting site too hard to prevent any kind of skin reaction or infection.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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