
Important and urgent about Corona virus

Important and urgent about Corona virus

Important and urgent about Corona virus

If you are exposed to sudden depression, use only cetamol to reduce the temperature, because analgesics such as ibuprofen and diclofenac increase viral virulence.

“Advil” and its derivatives are not suitable for “Corona”!

The French health authorities have warned against using anti-inflammatory painkillers when infected with “Corona” infection.

The warning came in a tweet by French Health Minister Olivier Veran on his account, in which he said:

<<Anti-inflammatory painkillers may exacerbate infection>> In case of fever, take Paracetamol.

Advil and ibuprofen contain anti-inflammatory that affect the immune resistance to the virus and cause a deterioration in the condition of the person with “Corona”, and according to the British newspaper “The Guardian”, health experts warn against taking anti-inflammatory painkillers when suffering from a viral infection, because these drugs negatively affect the body’s immune response,

The analgesic Advil and paracetamol help reduce fever and relieve cold symptoms.

We recommend contacting the doctors if any symptoms appear.

Other topics: 

Eight important information about the Corona virus

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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