
This is why weight loss stops on the keto diet

Some women are surprised after a while of following the keto diet that they stop losing weight and are unable to lose weight Loss Weight, which causes women to feel hopeless and frustrated, which makes them stop following the diet, so we learn in this report about the common reasons behind this, according to a report published on the website “ insider ".

keto diet

Eat a lot of calories

One of the reasons for weight stability during the “keto diet” is eating a lot of calories during the day, and therefore it is recommended to eat some foods during the “keto” diet that help to feel full, such as vegetables rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates - such as leafy vegetables and broccoli So do lean, protein-packed meats like seafood and poultry, and healthy fatty foods like avocados, nuts and seeds.

If a woman has difficulty controlling the amount of calories she eats, she should follow these tips, which are:

Replace any sugary drinks with flavored water.

Calorie measurement for snacks

.Not getting enough calories

One of the mistakes that many people make when following the keto diet is restricting calories too much, which may reach less than 1200 calories per day, which makes the body feel hungry and thus slows down the metabolism process and the body stops losing weight.

Reasons for weight stability
Reasons for weight stability

feeling nervous

Several studies have indicated a strong link between stress and obesity, as stress increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, which leads to increased appetite and possibly overeating and weight gain later. Get enough sleep and talk with loved ones.

Not doing exercise

Exercise helps reduce stress levels and increases the chances of controlling appetite and thus losing weight, so it is recommended to exercise regularly

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