
How do you increase your feminine energy?

How do you increase your feminine energy?

How do you increase your feminine energy?


Femininity in our conscience is often associated with beauty, and although beauty is an important value and an essential component of femininity, femininity is greater and more general than beauty.
And feminine beauty is not limited to the form, and undoubtedly, improving the appearance helps to rebuild femininity, but beauty care is not limited to the external form.
The female has a superior ability to perceive the beauty around her, and to improve and beautify life at all levels. Therefore, a woman’s interest in the value of beauty in the form and soul, in the heart and mind, and in the surrounding environment around her, all of this helps to flow feminine energy within her.
Among the wrong things that distance women from discovering the imprint of their femininity, and reconciliation with themselves, is their pursuit of imitating others, and the obsession with external beautification with the motives of competition and imitation, because this behavior reduces women's confidence in themselves.
Awaken your femininity by taking care of the beauty of your body and your appearance, by accepting and not rejecting, and by wearing what comforts you and makes you more beautiful in the eyes of yourself first, before following the trends and fashions.

Confidence and sense of entitlement

A woman cannot feel confident in herself unless she first reconciles with her, reconciliation with herself is the first step in self-confidence, and the problem faced by many females around the world is their feeling of lack of value, and that being female is a weakness, regardless of their level of intelligence, competence and ambition, which He makes reconciliation with oneself, and a sense of the value of femininity, essential to rebuilding femininity.
Respect your feelings rather than hide them or hostile them. Emotional self-care is more important than external care.


Love is the highest energies in existence, and it is the secret of survival and happiness, and the more reconciled the female with the energy of love, the happier and more self-accepting she is and the more she is able to build her life and relationships on a strong foundation.
The energy of love should not be limited to emotional relationships between men and women, because it is just a form of love. Love is a value that expands to all relationships and bonds with people, things, and life around us. Above all, the love of the Creator is the major foundation for the stability of the heart and the calmness of the soul, and a sense of continuous fellowship. Which makes the woman in all her relationships flowing with passion and giving and not related in a way that indicates a feeling of acute emotional inferiority.

Relax and live in the moment

In the age of speed and competition, the feminine energy that is characterized by calm and relaxation diminishes, and until a woman reaches a non-stressful life in which she knows how to relax and pamper herself, she must balance again between masculine energy and feminine energy, by learning one of the features of general masculine behavior, which is to put The limits, the importance of refusal and saying no if it would harm her psychological peace, and not to go too far in playing the role of the victim because this hinders her enjoyment of the rest of the attributes of femininity.
Among the effects of calm and relaxation are the gentle movement, voice, and looks, and the use of sweet, sweet words, which are closely related to femininity, and do not contradict the effectiveness, strength and achievement of women, but rather make them balanced and interactive with their femininity.


The real female is the one who deals spontaneously and spontaneously and extracts beauty and tenderness from herself naturally and without resorting to falsification and exaggeration.

Humility and giving

The true sophistication of the female means to be humble and treat others with understanding, humility and love.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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