How does love fade between two lovers?

How does love fade between two lovers?

a lot of criticism

Relationships that are highly stressful are relationships that end in failure, so do not exaggerate the tension and scrutinize the most trivial reasons, and do not make the other party do this, so it becomes a habit between you to aggravate, as it is useless and leads to certain failure.

lack of dialogue 

The absence of a proper dialogue between the two parties is the most important reason for making the relationship stressful and impossible, as if one of the parties tries to impose its opinion without listening to the other, or to see others always mistaken and does not bear any error.

the sacrifice 

Healthy love relationships are based on mutual giving. When you exaggerate your giving, you will turn into a person who is only a giver and a sacrifice, because at a certain stage you will forget that you also have the right to be given a part of the attention, and with time you will feel injustice and intolerance.

Infringement of another's space 

Every person has an area of ​​freedom that no one is supposed to exceed, no matter how strong the relationship between you is, as transgressing it leads to disrespect and discomfort.

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