
The difference between symptoms in order not to get confused about Corona

The difference between symptoms in order not to get confused about Corona

1- Dry cough + sneezing = air pollution
2- Coughing + mucus + sneezing + runny nose = colds
3- Cough + mucus + sneezing + runny nose + body ache + weakness + mild fever = normal flu
4- Dry cough + sneezing + body pain + weakness + high fever + difficulty breathing + loss of sense of smell + taste =

I mean corona virus

If you feel the above symptoms 

1- The initial symptoms start from the second to the fifth day of infection
2- Symptoms are hot, shifting in the body, fatigue and shortness of breath
3- You feel comfortable after taking the medicines, but after an hour the symptoms return
4- Symptoms increase and intensify from the fifth to the tenth day
5- It means more fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, more sluggishness and pain in the body, loss of appetite
6- Focus on drinking orange juice, exposure to the sun, eating garlic and yogurt
7- Gargling with water and salt and washing the face every quarter of an hour
8- Take a deep breath, inhale and exhale repeatedly
9- After the tenth day the symptoms subside until they end until the 14th day

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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