What if people became book authors according to their zodiac?

What if people became book authors according to their zodiac?

What if people became book authors according to their zodiac?

If you want to write a book, what is the title of the book that suits you as an author, according to your horoscope?


How to undo your weaknesses and end your fears

the Bull 

How to be patient and bear the pressure to strengthen yourself


How do you deal with people with ease and intelligence?


How do you allow your passion to be a positive point in your life

the lion

How to overcome all barriers without getting bored and reach your dream


How to be logical and act rationally in embarrassing situations


How do you treat people tactfully and attract them to your talk?

The scorpion

How do you get out of your crime innocent?

the bow

How to live life without contracts and fears


How do you think about things and calculate a thousand accounts for your steps?


How do you change your weak personality to a strong one?


How do you dream of a beautiful life away from melancholy?

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