
Why should you eat chocolate without feeling guilty?

Do you like chocolate? Do you feel guilty every time you ate a little bit of chocolate? Do you prevent your children from eating chocolate? It seems that you will change your mind, as it seems that the benefits of chocolate outweigh its disadvantages, as the report published by the British newspaper “Daily Mirror” mentioned five benefits that people do not expect from chocolate, but the report stressed that “dark chocolate” or black or the so-called (dark chocolate) It remains much healthier than milk chocolate, which contains large amounts of sugar and fats, and its benefits are less than its harms.

Despite this, the report confirms that even milk chocolate includes many health benefits for the human body, although the dark one contains between two to four times the antioxidants beneficial to the body, and the dark one contains many minerals with important and healthy qualities, and the dark one It contains much less sugar, as every 25 grams of milk chocolate contains an additional amount of sugar equivalent to two and a half tablespoons.
Nutrition experts advise eating a quantity of no more than 30 grams of dark chocolate per day in order to obtain the maximum of its health benefits.
As for the five health benefits that people do not expect from chocolate, which are benefits that are naturally concentrated in dark chocolate and not milk chocolate, they are as follows:
First: nourish the skin. The latest medical studies have shown that dark chocolate is very beneficial for the skin because cocoa contains flavonol, a substance that helps moisturize the skin and keep it soft and lively, and enhances blood flow in the body, making the skin look more youthful.
Second, chocolate is rich in minerals. It is sufficient to note that eating only 100 grams of chocolate per day contains 67% of the body's daily need for iron. Chocolate also contains minerals needed to regulate blood pressure.
Third: Enhancing intelligence and the ability to think. Where studies have proven that chocolate enhances the general mood of a person, as it contains substances that stimulate the brain and thinking.
Fourth: improving heart health. Recent studies have shown that dark chocolate leads to the preservation of the arteries and keeps them healthy, unexpectedly, which leads to the maintenance of the heart and its health in the body.
Fifth: Reducing the risk of stroke. Recent medical studies have proven that cocoa lowers the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, while raising the level of good fats, which leads to a lower risk of strokes, heart attacks and strokes, and according to one study, periodic intake of chocolate reduces the risk of these attacks by up to 17%.

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