
What is the relationship between sleep and stroke??

Pay attention, not only your food is responsible for your health, researchers say that adults who do not get enough sleep or sleep for long hours have an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

In a sample taken from citizens from all over the United States, those who slept seven hours each day, on average, had the lowest risk of 3.7 years of heart age. This percentage increased to 4.5 years for those who slept six or eight hours, while it increased by 5.1 years for those who slept five hours or less at night.

"Lack of adequate sleep for extended periods of time has negative effects on a number of body systems, including the cardiovascular system," lead researcher Quan Hee Yang told Reuters Health in an email.

“Studies have shown strong relationships between sleep duration and heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure, smoking and high cholesterol,” said Yang, a senior epidemiologist in the Department of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. in blood, diabetes and obesity.

He also indicated that heart age is defined as the life expectancy of a person's vascular system based on personal factors causing heart disease. The idea was proposed in the Framingham Heart Study in 2008

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