
If you were born under the sign of Gemini, how compatible are you with the zodiac signs?

If you were born under the sign of Gemini, how compatible are you with the zodiac signs?

If you were born under the sign of Gemini, how compatible are you with the zodiac signs?

Gemini and Aries

Air, and fiery, the relationship may seem inconsistent at first, but with a little time it becomes an enjoyable relationship that cannot be dominated by routine, but it may be dominated by moods and selfishness on both sides, Aries and Gemini are the strongest friends, in love the compatibility and success rate is 70 percent.

Gemini and Taurus

Air, and earth, a negative relationship in most cases, in which contradictions and inconsistency in opinions, as the Taurus criticizes the antenna of Gemini and considers that he does not realize the seriousness of matters and does not deal with them, the percentage of compatibility and success is 10 percent.

Gemini and Gemini

Antenna, a successful duo, their relationship prevails on all levels. It is a successful relationship in general, they are similar in personality, in character and in outlook, the compatibility rate is 90 percent.

Gemini and Cancer

Air and water, lack of understanding prevails in the relationship between them. Gemini people change their opinions and viewpoints, and they consider stability as a state of boring stagnation, and this is not commensurate with the sign of Cancer, who always strives to do so. Compatibility rate is 20%

Gemini and Leo

An air and a fiery relationship, a mutual attraction between these two signs, Gemini respects the courage of the Leo and his ambition to achieve goals and sees in the Leo a person worthy of respect, the compatibility ratio is 75 percent.

Gemini and Virgo

Air and earth, both have intelligence and love to have fun, but the relationship may seem in most of its cases tense and the reason is that Virgo considers Gemini irresponsible and irresponsible, the compatibility between them is 50 percent.

Gemini and Libra

An antenna and an antenna, a strong relationship arises between them, as they both carry the same pattern of vitality, intelligence, love of fun and joking, but in an emotionally mixed manner. Compatibility rate is 85 percent.

Gemini and Scorpio

Air, and water, a thorny and difficult relationship, Gemini sees that Scorpio does not trust anyone and does not deserve to strive to please him, as Scorpio hates to see someone who deals with him with this amount of underestimation and lack of appreciation, the compatibility ratio between them is 10 percent

Gemini and Sagittarius

An air and a fiery relationship are extremely distinguished, representing to each other love, friendship, friendship and marriage, in harmony with the existing spirit of optimism. They are attracted to each other on all levels. Compatibility and success rate is 95 percent.

Gemini and Capricorn

An airy, and earthy relationship is a dissonant and boring relationship in which there is a lot of negative criticism of each other, and there is a lot of jealousy and suspicion. Capricorns always live at an age older than their age and carry maturity as they like routine, which makes the Gemini see that life with Capricorn is unbearable and impossible. It has persistence, compatibility and success rate of 5 percent.

Gemini and Aquarius

An antenna, and an antenna, a special relationship that combines a person characterized by intelligence, initiation, and a tendency for renewal in living patterns, and a person who tends to innovate and change and respects independence and freedom. Compatibility and success rate is 85 percent.

Gemini and Pisces

Air, and water, a bad relationship in most cases. Gemini sees in the Pisces a cowardly person who does not have the courage to face reality and seeks to escape from it. In return, the Pisces sees that the Gemini is an indifferent person who does not appreciate the imagination and romance that the whale loves. Compatibility and success rate is 25 percent

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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