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Ramy Ayyash responds to a female journalist in your language, the language of the street...

Ramy Ayyash responds to a female journalist in your language, the language of the street...

Ramy Ayyash responds to a female journalist in your language, the language of the street

The star Ramy Ayyash responded to journalist Rehab Daher after she wrote a satirical criticism of Ramy Ayyash's song and the video clip "Ya Sugar Candies", which he presented a few days ago, in which the star Fifi Abdo participated.

The journalist, Rehab Daher, wrote on her personal page, “The jacket of Majed Al Mohandes is not cut off” that Ramy Ayyash wears, and the clip and the lyrics of the song “Do not see or hear” and Fifi Abdo have become a lot of consumables and are no longer a fatty substance.

Ramy Ayyash's response to her was: "Your language is the language of the street..and your opinion is not even close to criticism..I am only with the respected press and with any opinion said with respect..your type has become a disgrace to the press..and Majed Al Mohandes is respected. .

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